
A helm chart for the Scalyr agent.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

scalyr-agent Helm Chart

Latest stable release of the Helm chart License Lint and Tests End to End Tests


This helm chart installs the Scalyr Agent monitor into a Kubernetes cluster. It supports installing the agent with all features required to support a Kubernetes cluster monitoring. Additionally, it can deploy Scalyr agents which monitor other parts of the infrastructure (for example a hosted database service etc.).



helm install <name of release> scalyr-agent --repo https://scalyr.github.io/helm-scalyr/

to install this chart.


Two basic configuration keys have to be set up to allow logging to Scalyr cloud:

  • scalyr.server: The name of the Scalyr api server (defaults to agent.scalyr.com. use eu.scalyr.com for EU.)
  • scalyr.apiKey: The api key used to authenticate to the Scalyr api server
  • scalyr.config: The Scalyr configuration

The scalyr configuration is done using the configuration map approach. This is basically a key/value hash. The keys refer to the configuration file name for grouping monitors. The value is the Scalyr json configuration for each monitor.

This chart's default values are set to support the monitoring of a Kubernetes cluster. The only value you have to set manually is:

  • config.k8s.clusterName: name of the Kubernetes cluster to monitor (will be visible in the Scalyr UI)

If you want to monitor additional things outside of Kubernetes (e.g. Databases), you can set the following values:

  • controllerType: For other monitors, it is usually best to set this to "deployment" instead of "daemonset"
  • scalyr.k8s.enableLogs and scalyr.k8s.enableEvents: Set this to false to remove the serviceaccount, clusterroles and additional mounts to the Scalyr agent pods

Controller type

By default, this chart creates a daemonset which is the recommended deployment pattern for Kubernetes monitoring.

If you'd like to create a different Scalyr agent, you can set controllerType to "deployment" and set scalyr.k8s.enableLogs and scalyr.k8s.enableEvents to false.

Homepage: https://github.com/scalyr/helm-scalyr


For chart changelog, please see https://github.com/scalyr/helm-scalyr/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md.


Name Email Url
scalyr support@scalyr.com https://github.com/scalyr
dploeger develop@dieploegers.de https://github.com/dploeger

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} optional affinity rules
controllerType string "daemonset" Wether to setup a daemonset or a deployment for the Scalyr agent A daemonset should be used for Kubernetes monitoring while a deployment should be used for single resource monitorings (e.g. hosted databases, etc.) Valid values: "daemonset" or "deployment"
deployment.replicaCount int 1 The count of replicas to use when using the deployment controller setup
fullnameOverride string "" Override the default full name that helm calculates
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "scalyr/scalyr-k8s-agent" Image to use. Defaults to the official scalyr agent image
image.tag string "" Tag to use. Defaults to appVersion from the chart metadata
image.type string "buster" Which image distribution to use - "buster" for Debian Buster and "alpine" for Alpine Linux based image. Alpine Linux images are around 50% smaller in size than Debian buster based ones.
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets to use if the image is in a private repository
livenessProbe.enabled bool true set to false to disable default liveness probe which utilizes scalyr-agent-2 status -H command
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 10 timeout in seconds after which probe should be considered as failed if there is no response
nameOverride string "" Override the default name that helm calculates
nodeSelector object {} optional node selectors
podAnnotations object {} optional pod annotations
podLabels object {} optional arbitrary pod metadata labels
podSecurityContext object {}
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"}} Pod resources. Defaults to the values documented in the official Installation guide
scalyr.apiKey string "" The Scalyr API key to use
scalyr.base64Config bool true As Helm is currently unable to correctly pass JSON strings, this can be set to true so all values of scalyr.config are expected to be base64 encoded and will be decoded in the chart
scalyr.config object {} A hash of configuration files and their content as documented in the Scalyr agent configmap configuration documentation
scalyr.k8s.caCert string "" The path to the CA certificate to use to verify TLS-connection to the kubelet
scalyr.k8s.clusterName string "" The kubernetes cluster name (when using the kubernetes monitoring)
scalyr.k8s.enableEvents bool true Enable fetching Kubernetes events
scalyr.k8s.enableLogs bool true Enable fetching Pod/Container logs from Kubernetes
scalyr.k8s.enableMetrics bool true Enable fetching Kubernetes metrics. This requires scalyr.k8s.enableLogs to be true
scalyr.k8s.verifyKubeletQueries bool true Set this to false to disable TLS cert validation of queries to k8s kubelet. By default cert validation is enabled and connection is verified using the CA configured via the service account certificate (/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt file). If you want to use a custom CA bundle, you can do that by setting scalyr.k8s.caCert config option to point to this file (this file needs to be available inside the agent container). In some test environments such as minikube where self signed certs are used you may want to set this to false.
scalyr.server string "agent.scalyr.com" The Scalyr server to send logs to. Use eu.scalyr.com for EU
securityContext object {} optional security context entries
tolerations list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"node-role.kubernetes.io/master","operator":"Exists"}] Pod tolerations. Defaults to the values documented in the official Installation guide
volumeMounts object {} Additional volume mounts to set up
volumes object {} Additional volumes to mount

Setting Custom Scalyr Agent Config Options

If you want to configure additional Scalyr Agent configuration options which are not exposed directly via dedicated values file options, you can utilize scalyr.config values file option.

This config option allows you to define additional scalyr agent JSON config file fragments which are read and parsed by the agent.

Since Helm is not able to correctly pass JSON strings as YAML key values, you should base64 JSON config fragment value as shown below.

For example, let's say your custom config fragment lives in ci/examples/agent.d/my-config.json.

  1. Obtain base64 encoded version of the JSON file content
cat ci/examples/agent.d/my-config.json | sed -e 's/^ *//' | tr -d '\n' | base64

To avoid any YAML formatting issues, we also utilize sed and tr command to fold multi line JSON into a single line

  1. After you updated the base64 encoded value, update your values file
  apiKey: "REPLACE_ME"
  base64Config: true
    my-config.json: eyJtYXhfbG9nX29mZnNldF9zaXplIjogNTI0Mjg4MCwiZGVidWdfbGV2ZWwiOiA1fQ==

Development, CI/CD

On each push to master and other branches Github Actions workflow runs which performs basic helm lint and helm install sanity checks against the changes.

chart-testing wrapper is used for running helm lint and helm install.

To run those checks locally, you need the following tools installed:

  • helm 3
  • chart-testing
  • minikube (or kind cluster against which helm install can run)
  • Python 3 with the following 3 libraries installed - yamllint, yamale
# 1. Install helm
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash

# 2. Install minikube
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

# 3. Install chart-testing
wget https://github.com/helm/chart-testing/releases/download/v3.4.0/chart-testing_3.4.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzvf chart-testing_3.4.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv ct /usr/local/bin
sudo mv etc ~/.ct

# 4. Create Python virtualenv and install libraries needed by chart testing
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install yamale yamllint

# 5. Start minikube Kubernetes cluster
minikube start

# 6. Run actual lint and install task
ct lint --debug --config ci/ct.yaml

# To use valid API key
echo -e 'scalyr:\n  apiKey: "SCALYR_TEST_WRITE_API_KEY"' > charts/scalyr-agent/ci//test-values.yaml

ct install --debug --config ci/ct.yaml

You can find more example configs which are used by integration and end to end tests in ci/ directory.

As an alternative to manually installing those tools and setting up the environment, you can also use act tool which allows you to run GHA workflow locally inside Docker containers as shown below.

act lint_test

Keep in mind that it may take a while since it needs to pull down a large Docker image during the first run. This tool also may not work correctly on some operating systems since it relies on Docker inside Docker functionality for creating kind Kubernetes cluster.

Publishing new version

New version of the chart is automatically released by the Release Github Actions workflow on push to main branch when changes are detected in the chart (e.g. chart content or metadata has been updated).

Helm Chart repository is available at https://scalyr.github.io/helm-scalyr/.

Copyright, License, and Contributor Agreement

Copyright 2020-2021 DO! DevOps. Copyright 2021 SentinelOne, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:


By contributing you agree that these contributions are your own (or approved by your employer) and you grant a full, complete, irrevocable copyright license to all users and developers of the project, present and future, pursuant to the license of the project.

Thank You

The chart has been originally developed by Dennis Ploeger from dodevops. They have agreed to transfer the ownership to Scalyr so we can continue developing, improving and maintaining the chart.