
Scala implementation of Manacher Algorithm applied to the problem of calculating the number of palindromes in a string

Primary LanguageScala

Manacher Algorithm implementation in Scala

You will find two different scala implementations of Manacher Algorithm here. The algorithm is a building block for a problem of counting number of all palindromic substrings in given string.

The aformentioned solutions list:

There is also quadratic solution added as a sanity check

Remark about complexity

Interestingly, functional implementation suffers from Vectors' operators overheads. As a result for some very random sequences quadratic may outperform linear solution (especially when there is very small number of short palindromic substrings in a string).

Let's try to explain why:

Functional implementation uses Vector to store centers and palindromic substrings radiuses at these centers. Assuming K being maximum length of a palindromic substring and N being size of the input sentence and K << N, interesting thing happens:

At the very end of search for palindromic substrings when we reach index close to N, if palindromic substrings are short - we will request very recent indices (non siginificantly lower than N), therefore each lookup for a mirror palindrome length (minLength) within main palindrome has complexity ~ log32(N). After that lookup we perform additional lookups while expanding the palindrome itself, again complexity of this operation is ~log32(N). For some pairs (N,K) then, it may result in complexity being worse than naive quadratic. For a pair: N = 10^6 (log32(10^6) =~ 4), K = 4 at each iteration everytime we access mirror value (+values while expanding palindrome) we in fact perform ~4 operations instead of one. This overhead is critical and leads to quadratic solution being better. I think, it is safe bet to claim that functional linear solution wins whenever there is lots of palindromic substrings + they are much longer than log32(N).

This overhead does not hold for imperative implementation where mutable arrays are used for centers/palindromes storage with constant access complexity O(1)

To run main app

sbt run

To run tests

sbt test

To generate (still poor) documentation with scaladocs

sbt doc

Perf tests:

I've made some perf benchmarking (not best due to jvm :( ) but cache-misses should be accurate:

       perf stat -e task-clock,cycles,instructions,cache-references,cache-misses scala  /Manacher-Algorithm-in-Scala/target/scala-2.12/palindromes_2.12-0.1.0.jar quadratic

Performance counter stats for quadratic':

       1763,671845      task-clock (msec)         #    2,029 CPUs utilized          
        5377473460      cycles                    #    3,049 GHz                    
        8206343568      instructions              #    1,53  insn per cycle         
         223135924      cache-references          #  126,518 M/sec                  
          47412156      cache-misses              #   21,248 % of all cache refs    

       0,869382455 seconds time elapsed

Performance counter stats for functional':

       3235,989841      task-clock (msec)         #    2,631 CPUs utilized          
        9775014003      cycles                    #    3,021 GHz                    
       12839187724      instructions              #    1,31  insn per cycle         
         252587935      cache-references          #   78,056 M/sec                  
          58124513      cache-misses              #   23,012 % of all cache refs    

       1,229895126 seconds time elapsed

Performance counter stats for imperative':

       1217,352018      task-clock (msec)         #    1,805 CPUs utilized          
        3691657142      cycles                    #    3,033 GHz                    
        4744865789      instructions              #    1,29  insn per cycle         
         148720517      cache-references          #  122,167 M/sec                  
          24369674      cache-misses              #   16,386 % of all cache refs    

       0,674409035 seconds time elapsed