This contract is used to create and manage vaults. It can:
- create a booster
- remove a booster from the protocol
- add a new reward to a booster
- remove a token from a booster rewards in case it is stale
- update the duration of a reward for a booster
- update the compounder of a booster (the compounder can change the booster reward mode)
- update the protocol fee
- batch : distribute rewards, collect fees, claim rewards, compound rewards
This contract is a ERC4626 vault used to deposit Boosted Positions LP tokens from Maverick AMM. The depositors are eligible to:
- extra incentives tokens in Boosted Positions
- MAV (normal mode) and/or more LP tokens overtime (compound mode) The authorized compounder of this contract can choose the MAV reward mode.
This contract is used to deposit MAV on Rogue.
- Depositors receive a ERC20 (rMAV) at a 1:1 ratio.
- Depositors cam withdraw their MAV until withdrawals are disabled.
- Once enabled, anybody can call the function
to trigger the lock extension mechanism and receive rMAV as incentive. - This contract respects the Layer Zero OFT standard
This contract is used to stake rMAV and respects the ERC4626 standard.
Staker receives voting power over MAV emissions and can claim rewards.
You don't need to unstake to transfer the shares to another address.
Users can delegate their vote.
This contract:
- should contain the vote logic for rMAV AND eROG
- should contain redistribution logic of differents protocol fees to differents parties
- is the owner of the LP tokens
- is the owner of the veMAV
This contract is used to distribute bounties to voters.
- anyone can create a bounty
- bounty creator chooses: the
, therewardToken
, thetotalRewardAmount
, thenumberOfPeriods
, themaxRewardPerVote
and themanager
of the bounty - the manager of the bounty can upgrade it
- Voters are eligible to claim rewards pro-rata to their voting power at the change of epoch, capped to the maximum price per reward.
This contract is used for Rogue liquidity mining.
- The entry point to minting this NFT is claiming MAV as a LP on Rogue.
- The owner of a NFT can buy ROG at a discount until the expiry of the option.
- When exercising, caller can either receive ROG token or convert them right away.
- The discount is either based on platform activity or set by the owner of this contract.
This contract inherits from `ERC4626BaseRouter from Fei Protocol.
It serves as user facing contract : users interact with this contract to deposit into booster. It checks for slippage and contains UX improving utilities.
This is the ROG token contract.
- Owner can update emissions parameters
- It respects the Layer Zero OFT standard
You will find all the contracts under /contracts
This repo uses Foundry as test framework. Install it, then:
Instantiate a mainnet fork with the following foundry
$ anvil -f <MAINNET_RPC_URL>
To run test:
$ forge test
To generate a gas report:
$ forge test --gas-report
To get the test coverage:
$ forge coverage
From Maverick ABDK audits:
- MAV are distributed monthly
- MAV should be distributed in lpReward, how more efficiently distribute them?
- veMAV fees is 50% of the protocol fees at the beginning
- vote with an
array withuint[]
-reset to original maverick reward duration to be sure reward period never exceeds 30 days.
Audit list:
- C4
- ABDK : all, logic
- Dedaub : pool position
- hanfriese : tokenomics