Python FFmpeg Fast Access Seeker is a python module dedicated to accurate video frame access. Some video file formats was designed for streaming like MPEG for TV, by contrast with AVI witch contain a frame index. An accurate frame per frame navigation in this file is not possible without a first indexing process. PYFFAS build this index and offer a simple API to retrieve video frame.
GPL v3
Sebastien Campion
Index your media
import pyffas pyffas.indexer("/path/to/the/mediafile","/path/to/create/sqlite/index")
Access to frame
import pyffas sk = pyffas.seeker("/path/to/create/sqlite/index") sk.getframe(frametime=1000) im = sk.getframe(framenumber=100)"/tmp/frame100.jpg")
python install
- Audio frame export (Only video frame access work for the moment)
- Python
- FFMpeg
- Cython
- SQLite