
TweetCounterTweet live

TweetCounterTweet is a full-stack web application using AngularJS on the front-end, Ruby on Rails on the back-end, and a PostgreSQL database. The application integrates with the Twitter API to automatically populate with interactions between the most popular handles on Twitter.

Features & Implementation

Rails integration with Twitter API

The Rails REST API connects to the Twitter REST API using an OAuth authentication protocol and uses a combination of HTTP GET queries and server side code to find the most popular tweets and responses.

The server periodically runs rake tasks to query the Twitter REST API and cache retrieved data into the database.

AngularJS integration with Rails RESTful API

The front-end receives the most recent Tweet data from the Rails REST API on initial page load. The front-end then seamlessly loads additional RESTful API JSON data as the user scrolls. The data is mapped to the Twitter oEmbed URL format and rendered in the template.

Code Sample

Event listener to load additional Tweets on scroll:

function loadOnScroll() {
  var scrollOffset = $(window).height() / 2;
  var documentEnd = $(document).height() - $(window).height();

  if (!$scope.loaded && $(window).scrollTop() > documentEnd - scrollOffset) {
    $scope.loaded = true;

Retrieve Tweets from pagination enabled Rails REST API:

this.getNextPage = function(callback) {
  this.pageNum ++;
  $http.get('/tweets.json?page=' + this.pageNum)
  .then( function(response) {
    return response;

Future Directions for the Project

Improved Twitter API integration

Improve Tweet filtering to further increase result relevancy.


Add feature to allow users to choose specific categories of Twitter interactions, such as Entertainment, or Politics.

User Profiles

Allow users to create profiles and create their own customized feeds.