- 1
- 2
scapegoat broken
#82 opened by JohnReedLOL - 4
Can't use plugin with sbt 1.0
#56 opened by unoexperto - 1
scala 2.13.1: sbt scapegoat is throwing [error] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;
#112 opened by sitwaheed9 - 2
- 1
Scala 3 support
#181 opened by sebarys - 2
Exception when compiling
#175 opened by sjoerdmulder - 1
- 0
- 1
Error compiling
#152 opened - 0
Generated source should be ignored by default
#168 opened by Johnnei - 10
Unresolved dependencies path:
#77 opened by QADEvops1 - 4
Issues with cross build `Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scala-lang.modules:scala-xml`
#70 opened by stanislav-chetvertkov - 10
- 0
can't exclude java sources
#141 opened by domdorn - 0
Remove the need for the Scapegoat configuration
#160 opened by Johnnei - 1
- 0
How to run Scapegoat on test sources?
#136 opened by andreisilviudragnea - 14
Error downloading com.sksamuel.scapegoat:scalac-scapegoat-plugin_2.13.10:1.4.9
#148 opened by DiegoJohnsonL - 2
Unable to integrate the plugin in a multimodule project. version - 1.1.1 and scala version- 2.13.10 sbt- 1.8.3
#156 opened by mohika-knoldus - 8
scapegoat failOnError := false
#65 opened by fernaspiazu - 0
SBT plugin issue
#127 opened by matteociccozzi - 1
Suppressing warning for an individual line?
#109 opened by FFdhorkin - 1
- 8
Plugin dependency isn't resolved
#63 opened by terjokhin - 2
scapegoatMaxErrors not working
#96 opened by chandu-atina - 1
Fails for Scala 2.13 - scala-xml not found
#91 opened by avdv - 2
sbt-scapegoat doesn't work with sbt 1.2.x
#87 opened by tartakynov - 0
Update Readme with current version numbers
#83 opened by mrtnrdl - 0
Need GitGub Pages for Repo
#81 opened by JohnReedLOL - 8
- 1
scalacOptions doesn't work
#38 opened by missingfaktor - 1
Bring back Max{Info,Warning,Error}s
#72 opened by hkupty - 2
how to fail scapegoat task if an error is found?
#60 opened by drorasaf - 0
Match instead of partial function
#66 opened by Aakash06 - 2
support for sbt-scapegoat_2.11
#59 opened by saj1th - 1
Please release 1.0.8?
#61 opened by timcharper - 1
Cross version blocker
#55 opened by cchantep - 0
Configuration/Suppressions from an file
#57 opened by ctimothy - 1
Idiomatic way to run scapegoat on compile
#54 opened by jjst - 1
scapegoat not generating reports
#48 opened by abdullahodibat - 5
- 1
Publish for sbt 1.0
#50 opened by marconilanna - 8
scapegoatVersion ignores "in ThisBuild"
#45 opened by Krever - 4
Publish for Scala v2.12.0
#42 opened by marconilanna - 1
- 0
Is there any Maven support?
#43 opened by zeeshannaqvi - 4
- 1
Issues with enabling sbt-scapegoat plugin in a project that does not uses build.sbt
#40 opened by nshahcs - 0