
This is a POC stub for the Twilio Pay Connector. It is a simple web server that listens for incoming requests and responds with a JSON payload.

Test Card

Card Number: 4111 1111 1111 1111 Expiry Date: 12/25 Billing Zip: 94105 CVV: 333


  • Uses a Twilio-purchased telephone number to receive the call
  • A TwiML Bin to handle the incoming call and forward the request to the connector
  • The Twilio Generic Pay Connector (docs) to accept the card information and forward it to the payment gateway
  • This repo, as a stub for the payment gateway (accessed on my local via ngrok)
  • A Twilio serverless function to handle the callback from the Generic Pay Connector

Twilio Serverless Function:

exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
  // Helper just to clean/filter the response
  const getParams = (target, startsWithVal = 'PayConnector_') =>
    Object.keys(target).reduce((acc, key) => {
      if (key.startsWith(startsWithVal)) {
        acc[key.replace(startsWithVal, '')] = target[key];
      return acc;
    }, {});

  let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
  const myParams = getParams(event);

  console.log('============== in /pay with params ===========');

  switch (event.Result) {
    case 'success':
      const { charge_id } = event;
      text = `Thank you for your payment. Your confirmation number is: ${event.PayConnector_confirmation_number}`;
    case 'payment-connector-error':
      text = `The Payment Gateway is reporting the error: ${event.PaymentError}`;

      text = 'The payment was not completed successfully';
  callback(null, twiml);