
Minigame API for use with Spigot Plugins

Primary LanguageJava

This API is abandoned

If it wasn't already obvious from the inactivity for 4+ years, this project is abandoned for now. I may remake it in Kotlin, along with some other projects, so stay tuned.

Latest: Release 0.1.0

Beta: indev 0.1.0

GameAPI is a plugin-library used for Spigot plugins. Simply put, you no longer have to code common things in minigames like teams or arena management. It allows the developer to concentrate on the minigame itself, with some extra utilities not included in the Spigot API.


Create and configure a game.

Arena myGameArena = new Arena("myworld"); //Set the arena, with a string parameter for the world name
myGameArena.setLobbySpawn(arena.getWorld().getSpawnLocation)); //Set the lobby spawn, for pre-game waiting.
Game myGame = new Game("MyGame", myGameArena, MyPlugin.getPlugin());  //Create the game object
myGame.setPrefix("[" + ChatColor.AQUA + "My Game" + ChatColor.RESET + "]"); //Set the prefix used in messages

ArenaSettings mySettings = myGameArena.getArenaSettings(); //Get arena settings
mySettings.setCanDestroy(false); //Don't allow block breaking
mySettings.setCanBuild(false); //Don't allow block placing
mySettings.setAllowItemDrop(false); //Don't allow players to drop items

The above is all it takes to start a game. What takes 8 lines of code in the onEnable() event here normally takes 150+ lines and multiple files without the library. One of the most powerful features (excluding team management) of GameAPI are the ArenaSettings. Instead of listening for blockDestroy/Build/ItemDrop events and cancelling, you can simply set the settings for the game arena. The boring task of listening for many events is now achieved with a few single lines.

ArenaSettings are the tip of the iceberg, however. If you wanted to set properties for for only a single area, you can define Areas with their own set of utility events and ArenaSettings.

For more on how to get started with the GameAPI library, check out the GitHub wiki.