
Linux driver to properly initialize some Thrustmaster Wheels

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Linux driver to properly initialize Thrustmaster Wheels, based on this driver written by Kimplul

When connected to the machine, the Thrustmaster wheels appear as a «generic» hid gamepad called Thrustmaster FFB Wheel.

When in this mode not every functionality of the wheel, like the force feedback, are available. To enable all functionalities of a Thrustmaster wheel we have to send to it a specific USB CONTROL request with a code different for each wheel.

This driver tries to understand which model of Thrustmaster wheel the generic Thrustmaster FFB Wheel really is and then sends the appropriate control code.

Wheels supported

You can check the table of wheels supported in hid-tminit.c, they are stored in the array th_wheels_infos[]

Recapitulatory table

This table may be outdated.

My new guess is the control packet with usb.setup.bRequest == 73, is suspiciously near the control packet used to switch the wheel mode and the response of the wheel seems to remain the same after the upgrade

Model Response bytes +6, +7
T150 (same both my and @Kimplul) 0x49002100000006030000000000000000 0x0603
T300 (@Kimplul) 0x49000301010006021300000005010000 0x0602
T300 (cap from Gitlab) 0x49002100000006020000000000000000 0x0602
T300 Ferrari Alcantara Edition 0x49000200010004021300000005010000 0x0402
TMX 0x4700410000000704 0x0704
T500 0x4700030000000200 0x0200

Original discussion