
PKGBUILD files and other bits and pieces to get arch linux running on Jetson Nano

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PKGBUILD files and other bits and pieces to get Arch Linux running on Jetson Nano

This is a work in progress, mostly made for my own notes, I cannot guarantee it won't brick your nano

Rough steps to get arch booting on nano are:

On a host PC (currently only tested on Ubuntu)

Once the flashing is done, you should be able to reboot into Arch.

Initialize the pacman keyring and populate the Arch Linux ARM package signing keys

pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm

The nvflash tool replaced the linux-aarch64 kernel with the L4T kernel, and if you pacman -Syu at this point, it will overwrite the kernel.

  • Uninstall linux-aarch64 kernel, which will delete the L4T kernel image
  • Re-install the L4T kernel
pacman -R linux-aarch64
pacman -Syu
pacman -S git

Then clone this repo, and install (makepkg --syncdeps then pacman -U) at least nvidia-l4t-core, nvidia-l4t-tools, nvidia-l4t-init, nvidia-l4t-firmware and nvidia-l4t-kernel.

At this point you should be safe to reboot, and further set up your system however you want.