
Ghostery Lite app extension for Safari desktop browser

Primary LanguageSwiftMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


The Ghostery Lite app extension for the Safari desktop browser works alongside Apple’s new privacy ecosystem to bring Safari users comprehensive privacy protection. Check page performance, pause Ghostery Lite, trust a site and switch to your custom settings with a single click.

This project consists of the following components:

  • GhosteryLite: Native macOS container application that manages user settings and controls the Safari extensions
  • SafariExtension: Toolbar extension in Safari
  • ContentBlocker: Content Blocker extension in Safari with Ghostery Privacy filters
  • ContentBlockerCosmetic: Content Blocker extension in Safari with Cosmetic ad-blocking filters
  • ContentBlockerNetwork: Content Blocker extension in Safari with network ad-blocking filters

See here for more information on Safari App Extensions.

Production Download

App StoreDownload


  • Open GhosteryLite.xcodeproj in Xcode.


  • Run 'GhosteryLite' from XCode

Clean Install

In Xcode, use CMD + SHFT + K to execute 'Clean Build Folder'. Then run:

# Clean Ghostery Lite from ~/Library
$ make clean


This project is configured to use the Transifex CLI. See their documentation to get started. Note: You do not need to run tx config as the project configuration file has already been generated.

Generate a Transifex API Token link

# Configure the Transifex CLI
$ tx init
# Submit translation files to Transifex
$ tx push -s
# Download translated files from Transifex
$ tx pull -a

Testing Localized Strings

Under the Ghostery Lite "Run" configuration, look for "Arguments Passed on Launch" and enable the -AppleLanguages flag for the language you wish to test.


  • Safari: 12+
  • MacOS High Sierra 10.13+



MPL-2.0 Copyright 2019 Ghostery, Inc. All rights reserved.


Tracker Databases

The BlockListAssets folder contains JSON skeletons to show the schema expected by the content blocker. Ghostery's production tracker databases have been purposely excluded from this project, as they remain proprietary to Ghostery, Inc.

Copyright Notice

The proprietary databases are the intellectual property of Ghostery, Inc. and are protected by copyright and other applicable laws. All rights to them are expressly reserved by Ghostery, Inc. You may not use these databases or any portion thereof for any purpose that is not expressly granted in writing by Ghostery, Inc. All inquires should be sent to legal@ghostery.com. Ghostery, Inc. retains the sole discretion in determining whether or not to grant permission to use the databases. Unauthorized use of the databases, or any portion of them, will cause irreparable harm to Ghostery, Inc. and may result in legal proceedings against you, seeking monetary damages and an injunction against you, including the payment of legal fees and costs.