- 0
- 1
Load CTA Bus Ridership Data
#18 opened by vingkan - 1
Community area map shading fails for escooter metrics
#175 opened by vingkan - 1
Load Traffic Intensity Data
#13 opened by vingkan - 0
Audit sidewalk cafe permit search for vulnerabilities
#146 opened by vingkan - 0
Create data question about disabilities and transit
#105 opened by vingkan - 0
- 0
Searchable metrics selector group results are not ordered by number of matching metrics in group
#153 opened by vingkan - 3
Yearly metrics don't show when daily metrics are also selected on timeline view
#159 opened by vingkan - 1
- 0
Implement metric for Sidewalk Cafes
#93 opened by morleegan - 0
Load E-Scooter Trips Data
#16 opened by vingkan - 0
Load Taxi Trips Data
#15 opened by vingkan - 0
Load Rent-Burdened Households Data
#14 opened by vingkan - 0
Load Sidewalk Cafe Permit Data
#17 opened by vingkan - 1
Load CTA Rail Ridership Data
#19 opened by vingkan - 0
- 2
- 2
Raise an exception in create_test_db() if test data contains a key that is not a valid column
#143 opened by vingkan - 0
Improve the metrics selector
#99 opened by vingkan - 0
Add security headers to the website
#134 opened by vingkan - 1
- 1
Implement community area metric for taxi trips
#115 opened by vingkan - 1
- 0
- 1
Map on scatter view gets pushed to next row if the y-axis metric name is too long
#97 opened by vingkan - 1
Make commands fail because of tempdata folder
#107 opened by vingkan - 1
Timeline view shows dates incorrectly in tooltip.
#61 opened by vingkan - 0
Create data question about belonging and transit
#106 opened by vingkan - 1
Scatter view custom tooltip tries to format data before it is available (flaky)
#92 opened by vingkan - 0
Display metadata about metrics
#100 opened by vingkan - 0
Geocoding addresses
#85 opened by vingkan - 0
Preview changes to website from pull request
#84 opened by vingkan - 0
- 0
Update Chicago Health Atlas coverage files to have .json extension instead of .csv
#66 opened by vingkan - 0
- 1
Implement community metric for disability data
#36 opened by vingkan - 1
Implement community metric for belonging data
#35 opened by vingkan - 1
Load Community Belonging Data
#21 opened by vingkan - 1
Load Residents with Disability Data
#20 opened by vingkan - 0
Load Traffic Crashes Data
#12 opened by vingkan - 0
Load Bike Racks Data
#24 opened by vingkan - 2