
A react-based minesweeper

Primary LanguageJavaScript





  • left-click to disclose the cell.
  • right-click to flag the cell (clicking again toggles the value)

Design Decisions

  • use CRA to scaffold the project (pretty obvious why)
  • be very strict regarding inmutable data, to avoid the root of all evils (shared mutable state)
  • use CSS-in-JS because it's easier for small-size projects
  • use Font-Awesome instead of images to make it resolution-agnostic

Goals Completed (AFAIK):

  • When a cell with no adjacent mines is revealed, all adjacent squares will be revealed (and repeat)
  • Ability to 'flag' a cell with a question mark or red flag
  • Alert when game is over
  • Time tracking
  • Ability to select the game parameters: number of rows, columns, and mines
  • Nice user experience (eg avoid page reload while playing)

NOTE: regarding persistence, didn't get there, but I was careful to leave all relevant game-state as a serializable object. Would be pretty straightfoward to implement a local-storage solution.

Time spent

Coding time was roughly 6 hours. Tried to stay below the 5 hours bound, but got carried away trying to give it that vintage look of the original game.