
Laserfiche developer portal: https://developer.laserfiche.com

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Laserfiche developer portal: https://developer.laserfiche.com

Building documentation locally


  • Follow the instructions here to install jekyll and bundler.

  • Check installations and versions:

    gem --version
    bundle --version
    jekyll --version
  • Troubleshoot:

    • If gem install jekyll bundle fails due to missing certificate e.g. ERROR: SSL verification error at depth 2: unable to get local issuer certificate (20) ERROR: You must add /C=US/ST=California/L=San Jose/O=Zscaler Inc./OU=Zscaler Inc./CN=Zscaler Root CA/emailAddress=support@zscaler.com to your local trusted store follow these steps:

      1. Get the missing certificate e.g. zscaler.crt or zscaler.pem 1 Add the certificate to Ruby cert store file e.g. C:/Ruby32-x64/bin/etc/ssl/cert.pem. Actual location can be discovered using ruby -ropenssl -e 'p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'
      2. You may also need to add the certificate to rubygems ssl_certs folder e.g. C:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\3.2.0\rubygems\ssl_certs\rubygems.org
      3. Run gem update --system
      • More details here.
    • Dependency issues:

      1. Install the dependencies from local .gem files if you see errors like'fetch_http': bad response Forbidden 403 (https://index.rubygems.org/gems/google-protobuf-3.25.3-x64-mingw-ucrt.gem?_sm_nck=1) when run gem install jekyll.
        1. Find the dependency needed in your local drive or go to https://index.rubygems.org/gems and download the package file.
        2. Run gem install --local <path_to_gem/filename.gem>.

Build the static website and serve locally

  1. Navigate to directory <project_path>/src.
  2. Run bundle install to install all the dependencies needed to serve.
    • Troubleshoot:
      • If you see error Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError bad response Forbidden 403, stay under directory /src and follow the steps in the dependency issues in the prerequisites to install the dependency from a local .gem file.
  3. Run bundle exec jekyll serve --destination ../_site to build and serve the documentation.
  4. Open localhost:4000 in a browser.

Adding a new page, or modifying an existing one

All website content is defined under the folder /src/docs. Each page is defined by a folder containing a file named index.md, and optionally linked static assets such as images.

The index.md jekyll front matter defines page data such as navigation order, title, and optional nested pages. For example:

layout: default
title: Laserfiche Title
nav_order: 2
has_children: true

to view changes in the browser, run jekyll serve --watch and browse http://localhost:4000. Refresh to see changes.

Configuring Redirects

To redirect from a list of links to a page, add a redirect-from key in the front matter of the page, and then list the links you want to redirect from in a bulleted list. For example:

layout: default
title: Save a Document to Laserfiche
  - /docs/user-documentation/save-to-laserfiche
  - /docs/user-docs/save-to-lf
nav_order: 1
parent: Laserfiche Title

Using html-proofer to test the relative links

To check if there are any dead relative links in the project, navigate to src, and run

jekyll build
bundle exec rake

Previewing pages from build artifact

Steps to preview in IIS:

  1. Trigger the documentation build pipeline from your feature branch.
  2. Download the artifact github-pages from the your build.
  3. Extract the artifact.tar file from the artifact.
  4. Extract the files from the artifact.tar file.
  5. Create a website in IIS pointing to the folder containing the extracted files. NOTE: IIS may not work if the folder is under Users/your.name.
  6. Open the website from IIS.

Steps to preview using jekyll:

  1. Trigger the documentation build pipeline from your feature branch.
  2. Download the artifact github-pagesfrom the your build.
  3. Extract the files from the artifact and navigate to the directory of the extracted files.
  4. Run jekyll serve and browse

Pushing to production

To push documentation changes to production, create a Pull Request to merge into the default branch. The PR completion will trigger the documentation build pipeline which builds and publishes the documentation. You can view the results on Github Pages.