
Socialcast API Interface and Examples

Primary LanguageRuby

First off I am not affiliated with Socialcast the company in any way.

SocialcastAPI is a ruby interface to the RESTful API provided by Socialcast.com
for interacting with their services as outlined here: 


Here I am implementing it using the ActiveResource library


which supports dynamically generating Ruby objects from the XML or JSON 
structures returned from the calls to the web services.  At this point it is 
mostly functional, I haven't really started playing with the attachments portion
yet so don't expect that to work at the moment.  I need to add a lot of 
documentation and examples though.  That's probably the next big thing to be 

# Post a new message to your general purpose stream
Message.new(:body => 'This was sent via the API')

# Find the user named John Smith
User.search(:q => 'john smith').first

# List the top 10 users who have posted the most #worklogs
users = Hash.new(0)

Message.search_all_pages(:q => '#worklog').each do |message|
  users[message.user.name] += 1

users.sort {|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]}.reverse.first(10).each {|user| puts "#{user[0]}: #{user[1]}"}

# Print count of all users in the community
puts User.all_pages.count

# Print all users name and url
User.all_pages.each_with_index do |user, index|
  puts "#{index}: #{user.name} - #{user.url}"

More examples to come.