
Program for converting Arabic numerals into their Roman equivalents

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo git clone
  2. Change directory cd RomanNumeralsTDD
  3. Change directory into the source folder cd src
  4. Interact with the program in irb irb
  5. Load the program require ./roman_numerals.rb
  6. Try it for yourself with any number below 4000 RomanNumerals.romanise(###)


Testing & Linting

  1. All code is test-driven through the use of RSpec
  2. All code is linted using Rubocop



Terminal, ruby, git

My Approach

Through prior knowledge, I realised there are a few edge cases here which I had to account for. I made sure to write down the edge cases I was aware of at the beginning so as not to miss anything.


I also wanted to gain some learnings from my coding process here, I decided to record my coding session and uploaded it to YouTube