
MakersAcademy Week 4 - Messaging App

Primary LanguageRuby

Messaging App Challenge

Makers Academy - Week 4 Challenge

A web app that lets the user enter a message and submit it. The user should then see a history of messages already submitted in reverse chronological order with attached timestamps.

As a user
So that I can share my thoughts
I would like to write a message and submit it

As a user
So that I can see what I've been saying
I would like to see a history of previous messages

As user
So that I can remember when I made a post
I would like to see the time at which the message was posted

As a user
So that I can follow a sequence of messages
I would like to see the list of messages with the newest ones on the top

As a user
So that I can have an overview of the entire message history
I would like to only see the first 20 characters of any individual message

As a user 
So that I can read the complete text of a message
I would like to be able to click on a particular message and see the whole thing

As a user
So that I can change a message in the history
I would like to be able to edit a particular message

As a user
So that I can forget what I've written
I would like to be able to delete a message from the history

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:Sindex42/message-app.git
  2. Change directory cd message-app
  3. Run bundle to install dependencies bundle install

Setting up the databases

  1. Install postgresql brew install postgres
  2. Open up postgresql from the command line psql
  3. Create the development database CREATE DATABASE message_app_development;
  4. Create the test database CREATE DATABASE message_app_test;
  5. Set up the tables db:auto_migrate

Running tests

  1. Run rackup to start the server rackup
  2. Open up a browser and navigate to the following page http://localhost:9292
  3. Run the tests with rspec in the project root folder


Submitting a message

  1. Enter your message in the prompted field and click 'Submit'
  2. Repeat as neccessary
  3. Bask in the history of your previous ramblings

Editing a message

  1. Click on a partial message link
  2. Edit the message
  3. Click the 'Edit' button

Deleting a message

  1. Click on a partial message link
  2. Click the 'Delete' button