
The aim of node_tmdb_proxy is to create a proxy server for accessing the API provided by TheMovieDB.org. The server uses a cache system which improves requests execution.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The aim of node_tmdb_proxy is to create a proxy server for accessing the API provided by TheMovieDB.org. The server uses a cache system which improves requests execution.


First, install Node.JS, its package manager NPM, and the database system SQLite3:

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm sqlite3

Then, once you cd into the node_tmdb_proxy directory, install necessary Node.JS modules:

npm install

Also globally install the forever Node.JS module :

sudo npm install -g forever

One last thing, create the initial cache SQLite DB:

cp db/tmdb-cache.db.empty db/tmdb-cache.db

Start the server

Simply run this command:

bin/tmdb-proxy start

The server runs in background mode. To stop/restart it, use bin/tmdb-proxy stop/restart.

The logs are in the log directory.

Use your proxy

You can use your proxy exactly the same way you would use the TMDb API server. Just change the hostname and the port.

For example, instead of using:




The result should (and must) be exactly the same.

Note that the default port is 6789.

TODO list

  • Modify parameters using a conf file or command line arguments