
control a toy remote controlled car using gnuradio and HackRF

Primary LanguageC++


I wrote a GNURadio module to generate control signal for toy remote controlled car, and a Qt(PySide) GUI to listen keyboard press.

detail and source code: http://github.com/scateu/gr-remotecar

blog: http://hackrf.net

Video DEMO


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


refer to examples/

examples/WheelPulse/Wheel.py is a simple PySide based controller which you can control your toy car with keyboard direction keys. And it is for RemoteCarIIBaseBand

Just replay it.

on examples/tx.sh and examples/rx.sh , I demo how to capture the car's remote signal and just replay it. And it turns out to make the car run.

cd examples
./rx.sh car.iq
./tx.sh car.iq

and it means:

    hackrf_transfer -t car.iq -f 27000000 -s 8000000 -a 1 -l 30 -i 30 -x 40 

27000000 is for 27MHz, you may find the frequency sign on you car's remote.


We support two kind of remote car control :


                -->|TIME3  |<--   TIME4
      --------+    +-------+    +-------+    +--------- ... -------+    +---.....
              |    |       |    |       |    |                     |    |
              |    |       |    |       |    |                     |    |
              |    |       |    |       |    |                     |    |
              |    |       |    |       |    |                     |    |
              +----+       +----+       +----+                     +----+
              TIME0        TIME0        TIME0
           -->|                              TIME2                 |<---

    TIME0 = 520us
    TIME3 = 300us to 1.3ms
    TIME4 = 300us to 1.3ms
    TIME2 = 20ms

TIME3 and TIME4 control car's accelerator and direction.


+----------+     +----------+     +----------+     +----------+     +-----+     +-----+                        
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |     |     |     |     |                 
+          +-----+          +-----+          +-----+          +-----+     +-----+     +-...                     

|<-  3t  ->|  t  |<-  3t  ->|  t  |<-  3t  ->|  t  |<-  3t  ->|  t  |  t  |  t  |  t  |    

and we can simply capture it with HackRF using a AM demode gnuradio-companion workflow.

it is on examples/analysis.grc

Left: n=58
Right: n=64
Forward: n=10
Fast Forward: n=22
Backward: n=40
Left Forward: n=28
Right Forward: n=34
Left Backward: n=46
Right Backward: n=52

t = 0.55 ms

and you can try it with examples/WheelPulse/Wheel.py