Summary Server Performance Report for Log Analytics

This is provided as an example server performance report capturing CPU, Memory and Disk usage over a desired period of time. See full blog post for complete explanation

Video Example

30 days binned daily for 6 servers ran in about 6 seconds.

gif output

Target Output - SCOM Performance Report

SCOM Target

Set Parameters

The query is designed such that you can easily change how long you want the report to be as well as your bin metric.

//set report time frame let Time = 35d;

//set report bin time frame let Bin = 1d;

//set date format let Date = 'MM-dd-yyyy';

Simply change those to your desired parameters. If you bin by hours, you'll want to change the Date format to include hours or even minutes.

Example outputs

Example from my file server with lots of Drives File Server

Main output if you don't have a bunch of servers with extra drives FMain Output