
Scripts for aseprite, to handle isometric conversions.

Primary LanguageLua

Isometric aseprite scripts


Converts a square tile to an isometric tile.


Converts a selection to an isometric front tile, like a wall.


Converts a selection to an isometric side tile, like a wall.

isometric helper

All this above is included in a more handy toolbar, that will stay open when you working with your tileset or isometric graphic.

iso tileset export

Export an whole image to isometric tiles.

The export will result in a 4x size so a orthographic tile of size 16 pixel will become 64x32 pixels. But the downsize will shrink that so the size till be 32x16 instead.

This is an orthograpgic tileset example

The orthographic tileset exported to isometric tiles.

And this is an example when the new tileset is used to create some lovely isometric islands.