
Display a pretty counter for Moodle submissions

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Submission Counter

Display the number of submissions to a moodle submission point in the terminal.


Build the docker image locally:

docker build --rm -t submissions:latest -f Dockerfile .


Run the docker image, giving the 3 expected commands:

  • Assignment ID: The ID for the assignment's moodle page typically found as a param in the submission point's URL. For example, the submission page https://modules.lancaster.ac.uk/mod/assign/view.php?id=123456 would mean the relevant ID value is 123456.
  • Moodle Cookie: Your session cookie for moodle to be extracted from a web browser where you are signed into moodle (specifically to an account where you have permission to see the associated submission page). The value for this should be the cookie value for the key cosign-https-modules.lancaster.ac.uk.
  • Figlet Font: The font to use from figlet when displaying the output.
docker run --rm -it submissions:latest <id> <cookie> <font>

For live data, just use the above command prefixed with watch -t (by default this is updated every 2 seconds).

How it looks

picture of ascii art of submissions

This is all super jank. If you are reading this, too late, fixing this is your responsibility now.