This repository contains a collection of functions to import and export BIDS-formated experiments. The code is tailored for use as an EEGLAB plugin but may also be used independently of EEGLAB. Conversion of data format from non-supported BIDS binary format requires that EEGLAB be installed (supported formats are EEGLAB .set files, EDF files, BDF files, and Brain Vision Exchange Format files).


Refer to the wiki documentation.


BIDS-MATLAB is a project to import BIDS data. BIDS-MATLAB maps the BIDS directory architectures to MATLAB structures but does not import or convert data like BIDS-MATLAB-tools. In theory, BIDS-MATLAB-tools could use BIDS-MATLAB to get the BIDS directory architectures into MATLAB, then convert it to an EEGLAB STUDY. However, in 2021, BIDS-MATLAB could not yet import all the relevant EEG, MEG, and iEEG files.

EEG2BIDS is a Python base executable to format a collection of EDF files to the BIDS format. EEG2BIDS requires users to create JSON files for meta-data. It is a tool designed to archive data as part of a lab protocol where JSON files have been prepared in advance and are suited for technicians organizing data. BIDS-MATLAB-tools export capabilities are more suited for researchers managing their data and are agnostic regarding the original data format.


Make sure you clone with submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules

Use with EEGLAB

Simply place the code in the plugin folder of EEGLAB and it will be automatically detected by EEGLAB. See documentation at

zip command to release plugin

zip -r bids-matlab-tools/* -x /bids-matlab-tools/testing/additionaltests/* /bids-matlab-tools/testing/ds004117/* /bids-matlab-tools/testing/hbn_eye_tracking_data/* /bids-matlab-tools/testing/data/*

Version history

v1.0 - initial version

v2.0 - add support for external channel location and fix minor bugs

v3.0 - better export for multiple runs and allowing importing BIDS folder with multiple runs

v3.1 - fix multiple issues at export time including subject numbering

v3.2 - fix menu conflict in EEGLAB with bids validator; check channel types; add option to choose EEG event field; minor bugs

v3.3 - fix issue for Windows and work on GUI

v3.4 - fix issue with saving datasets in memory. Allowing to anonymize participant ID or not. Fixed issue with looking up channel locations.

v3.5 - fix issue with choosing event type in graphic interface; various fixes for GUI edit of BIDS info

v4.0 - fix GUI and many minor export issues

v4.1 - fix issue with JSON

v5.0 - major fixes to import all OpenNeuro EEG datasets

v5.1 - allow calculating dataset meta-data quality

v5.2 - fix issue with history

v5.3 - adding capability to export stimuli

v5.3.1 - update documentation for tInfo.HardwareFilters; fix bug defaults fields not filled for eInfo

v5.4 - fix issue with reading BIDS information when importing BIDS data to STUDY

v6.0 - new examples and fixes for HED

v6.1 - allow data with no events. Fix HED import/export. Fix history.

v7.0 - split code into different functions. Support for behavioral data. Various bug fixes.

v7.2 - fix issue with missing file.

v7.3 - various minor fixes (EEG reference as string; add duration if not present; resave datasets)

v7.4 - fix version issues for HED and BIDS. Export subjects in order. Remove unused columns in participants.tsv file

v7.5 - adding support for coordsystem files, and for loading specific runs, support for motion files

v7.6 - adding export to non-EEGLAB formats, refactor export

v7.7 - fix importing MEG and MEF files. Better handling of runs. Now tracks tool version in BIDS.

v8.0 - renamed files, separate file for task info, adding BIDS statistic output, handling EGI & BVA file better, channel types and units, adding eye-tracking and behavioral support