More Recipes provides a platform for users to share awesome and exciting recipe ideas they have invented or learnt.
If a user comes up with a recipe that he/she wants to share on More-Recipes, he/can simply post it on More-Recipes and then get feedback in the form of reviews and votes from other users who explore that recipes.
Users can also get to add recipes to a favorite list and be able to view the list of their favorite recipes at any time.
- Users can register and post new recipes
- Users can search for recipes posted on the site
- Users can post review on recipes when authenticated
- Users can can vote for recipes.
- Users can edit or delete previous added recipes.
- User can add recipes to favorites and view all recipes in favorites.
- Users can view the number of times a recipe has been viewed.
A fully functional demo of this project is available at More-Recipes
- Open terminal
- cd into directory that you want the project to reside.
cd projects
- clone the repository into that directory.
git clone
run npm install and npm run client:dev
run npm install && npm run client:dev
The following tools, libraries and frameworks has been used on this project
The full documentation for all API end point can be found here
The application uses the following for Testing:
Backend Test
npm run test
FrontEnd Test
npm run test-client
To see how to go about contributing to this project checkout contributing.
If you have any buy or feature request? Please open a new issue
Yes it is, and contributing to the development of this application is by raising PRs.
Anyone! This application is open to all those who want to contribute to open-source
development and are willing to follow set standards for contributing.
Yes, there are set conventions for PRs to this repository and can be found in the
project wiki.
This project is a full stack Javascript application.
Yes! This application is licensed under MIT, and is open for whatever you may choose
to use it for.
Michael Umanah