Cloning this repository

Because of containing submodule, add the --recurse-submodules flag to the clone/pull commands.

$ git clone <the-repo> --recurse-submodules
$ git pull --recurse-submodules

If you already cloned the old repo before the apps submodule, run the code below

$ git submodule init 


$ env-cmd babel-node index.js

Run with custom .env file

$ env-cmd -f ./1.env babel-node index.js

Auto Update

By enabling auto update any commit to the repository will trigger the update and server will restart.


bash ./scripts/ -a setup -p '<PM2_APP_NAME|PM2_APP_ID>'

Update credentials

cat >>~/.netrc <<EOF
    login <USERNAME>
    password <PASSWORD>

Local devnet

You can run local devnet on port 8080

docker-compose build --build-arg INFURA_PROJECT_ID=< your infura project id >
docker-compose up

To check local devnet open http://localhost:8080/v1/?app=tss&method=test in your browser.

After any changes, you will need to build again.
