
An improved version of the official Couchbase driver

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An improved version of the official Couchbase driver.


npm install couchbase-driver


A simple alternative driver for Couchbase that wraps the Bucket from existing driver with the following modifications:

  • get works on a single key or an array of keys, calling Bucket.getMulti if appropriate. Automatically handles key not found errors and doesn't return an error in that scenario. In case of multiple keys, optionally returns an array of missing keys.
  • remove also handles key not found errors more gracefully.
  • getAndLock also handles key not found errors more gracefully.
  • adds atomic function that tries to do perform getAndLock + transform + specified database operation utilizing CAS in one step until success or maximum retries have occurred. By default we use getAndLock to lock the document while we transform and perform document operation and unlock. Optionally we can use normal get function.
  • adds Promise support so that functions call be called with either Node-style callbacks or with Promises.



const couchbase = require('couchbase');
const Driver = require('couchbase-driver');
const cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://');
const bucket = cluster.openBucket('default');
const driver = Driver.create(bucket);

Simple retrieval:

driver.get('my_doc_key', (err, res) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

If key does not exist err and res will be undefined.

Getting multiple documents:

driver.get(['my_doc_key_1', 'my_doc_key_2', 'my_missing_doc_key_3'], (err, results, missing) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  if (mising.length > 0) console.dir(missing); // ['my_missing_doc_key_3']

"Atomic" transformations can be achieved using the atomic function which attempts to do get + transform + specified database operation where CAS in get and the final operation have to match. This uses async.retry until successful or maximum retries have occurred, which can be specified in the Driver construction or as function option parameter.

function transform(doc) {
  doc.foo = 'bar';
  return {
    value: doc,
    action: Driver.OPERATIONS.UPSERT

driver.atomic('my_doc_key', transform, (err, res) => {
  if(err) return console.dir(err);

With promises:

const result = await driver.get('mykey');
console.dir(result.value); // document

Note that with Promise style call and multiple keys we do not get misses.

const results = await driver.get(['mykey1', 'mykey2']);
console.dir(_.map(results, 'value')); // array of documents

API Reference


A simple alternative driver for Couchbase that wraps the Bucket from existing driver and improves get and remove methods and adds atomic method.

Kind: global class

new Driver(bucket, options)

Constructs the new instance. This should not be called directly, but rather use Driver.create().

Param Type Description
bucket Object the Couchbase Bucket
options Object Options
options.atomicRetryTimes Number The number of attempts to make within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 5.
options.atomicRetryInterval Number The time to wait between retries, in milliseconds, within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 0.
options.atomicLock Boolean Wether to use getAndLock in atomic() or just the standard get. Default: true.
options.missing Boolean Whether to return missing. If false Does not return. Useful for certain contexts. Defalt: true.


Get operation enums

Kind: instance property of Driver

const Driver = require('couchbase-driver');
const driver = Driver.create(bucket);

driver.get(keys, options, fn)

A simplified get. Properly handles key not found errors. In case of multi call, returns array of found and an array of misses.

Kind: instance method of Driver

Param Type Description
keys String | Array a single key or multiple keys
options Object Options for bucket get function
options.missing Boolean Whether to return missing. If false Does not return. Useful for certain contexts. This option takes presidence over the one set in constructor. Default: true.
fn function callback


driver.get('my_doc_key', (err, res) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err)


driver.get(['my_doc_key_1', 'my_doc_key_2', 'my_missing_doc_key_3'], (err, results, missing) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  if (mising.length > 0) console.dir(missing); // ['my_missing_doc_key_3']

driver.getAndLock(key, options, fn)

Our implementation of Bucket.getAndLock that properly ignores key not found errors.

Kind: instance method of Driver

Param Type Description
key String document key to get and lock
options Object Options to pass to Bucket.getAndLock
fn function callback


driver.getAndLock('my_doc_key', (err, res) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);

driver.remove(key, options, fn)

Our implementation of Bucket.remove that properly ignores key not found errors.

Kind: instance method of Driver

Param Type Description
key String document key to remove
options Object Options to pass to Bucket.remove
fn function callback


driver.remove('my_doc_key', (err, res) => {
  if (err) return console.log(err);

driver.atomic(key, transform, options, fn)

Performs an "atomic" operation where it tries to first get the document given the key, then perform the function transform on the value and then write using the CAS value in the upsert. If the final document operation fails due to a CAS error, the whole process is retried.

Kind: instance method of Driver

Param Type Description
key String document key
transform function synchronous function to be performend on the document value. Function accepts the document or undefined if the document was not found. The function should perform any necessary mutation and return an object with value and action. value is the new value of the document. action should be one of OPERATIONS specifying the action to take with the new value.
options String Options
options.atomicRetryTimes Number The number of attempts to make within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 5.
options.atomicRetryInterval Number The time to wait between retries, in milliseconds, within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 0.
options.atomicLock Boolean Wether to use getAndLock in atomic() or just the standard get. Default: true.
options.saveOptions Object bucket save options
fn function callback


function transform(doc) {
  doc.foo = 'bar';
  return {
    value: doc,

driver.atomic('my_doc_key', transform, (err, res) => {
  if(err) return console.dir(err);


Get operation enums

Kind: static property of Driver

const Driver = require('couchbase-driver');

Driver.OPERATIONS : enum

Enum for Database operations

Kind: static enum of Driver
Read only: true

Name Type Default Description
UPSERT string "upsert" Upsert operation
REMOVE string "remove" Remove operation
NOOP string "noop" No operation or action


Determines if error is a "key not found" error

Kind: static method of Driver

Param Type Description
err Error the error to check



Driver.create(bucket, options) ⇒ Driver

Create a Driver object by wrapping the Couchbase bucket and creates a new Driver instance and adds Promise support to the instance.

Kind: static method of Driver

Param Type Description
bucket Object The Couchbase Bucket instance to wrap.
options Object Options
options.atomicRetryTimes Number The number of attempts to make within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 5.
options.atomicRetryInterval Number The time to wait between retries, in milliseconds, within atomic(). See async.retry. Default: 0.
options.atomicLock Boolean Wether to use getAndLock in atomic() or just the standard get. Default: true.


const couchbase = require('couchbase');
const Driver = require('couchbase-driver');
const cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://');
const bucket = cluster.openBucket('default');
const driver = Driver.create(bucket);

Debug logging

debug package is used for debug logging.

DEBUG=couchbase-driver node app.js


Copyright 2015 Bojan D.

Licensed under the MIT License.