- 0
Gees will not launch
#39 opened by fishman6942069420 - 0
- 2
Gees throws an exception
#31 opened by DarthJahus - 0
Gees not working
#37 opened by rockboy612 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
Gees isnt opening
#36 opened by yt1hi - 0
- 0
Can't open gees
#33 opened by CatteLatte - 0
Gees is not working at all anymore
#32 opened by l3ochan - 1
Artefact bar appearing over all windows.
#26 opened by titusicleanu - 0
Crashes my game upon landing on runway
#30 opened by YohtzT4444 - 1
Request: Startup Hide
#22 opened by mixMugz - 1
Request: Auto unload program if MSFS quit
#21 opened by mixMugz - 17
Feature request: Landing and Take Off distance
#5 opened by havber - 0
- 1
Gees is amazing but if can give me a more visual evaluation like a rating or daily ranking etc. would be perfect.
#25 opened by hongwei-bai - 0
Better Multiple monitor support
#24 opened by stw222 - 1
Only working sometimes
#20 opened by rasyidkrm - 1
error launching app.
#19 opened by otaviozeni - 12
Gees crashes before the window opens
#16 opened by LucaJC - 0
- 7
Reconnect button
#15 opened by mixMugz - 0
feature: Tooltip scale/size + movable
#14 opened by mixMugz - 0
Optional sidebar
#13 opened by scelts - 7
- 0
Change the color of the "quick access" bar
#8 opened by scelts - 2
Bouncing while landing records multiple landings
#11 opened by lg - 3
failed to start the app
#12 opened by n30a5tr0 - 3
Landing rate in Cessna Skyhawk
#9 opened by lsnewman - 14
Incorrect speeds in the LOG file
#7 opened by HugoTro - 7
Suggestion: Persist last landing?
#3 opened by shanna - 1
- 3