You can build, deploy the spark streamer by running the script or by executing the command manually. Replace kerberos principal value and/or broker list for both methods.
With the bin
- Build the project
It will build the project and create an uberized jar containing all the needed dependencies.
mvn package
- Deploy the spark uberized jar
scp ./target/kafka_spark_streaming-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar root@front1.ryba:/root/
The Job reads data from Kafka and write to Kafka and/or to HBase
Launch the spark streaming consumer/producer program with input topic 'input_topic' and output topic 'output_topic'
kinit tester@REALM /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/spark-submit \ --master yarn-cluster \ /root/kafka_spark_streaming-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \ -input_topic input_topic \ -b "master1.ryba:9092,master2.ryba:9092,master3.ryba:9092" -output_topic my_output_topic
Start the kafka consumer console (for reading from spark job output)
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ \ --topic "input_topic" \ --zookeeper master1.ryba:2181,master2.ryba:2181,master2.ryba:2181 \ --from-beginning
Start the kafka-perf tester (for creating spark Dstream input )
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ \ --messages 100 \ --topic input_topic \ --request-num-acks 1
Since Spark 1.4.1, Spark Jobs can interact with hbase kerberized cluster by fetching and using needed token. For this it uses the runtime reflection scala mechanism ( introduced in 2.10 ) to load the Hbase TokenUtil Class and obtain Hbase delegation token ( same for Hive Metastore ). Nevertheless it has been impossible to use it for now due to HBase Class not found (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration), which prevent spark driver and executor to open a connection with HBase Server. A similar issue has been opened for Hive and corrected for Spark 1.5.3 and 1.6.0. No issue opened for HBase now. As a work around, the spark job fetches delegation token it self for interacting with HBase.
This posts assumes that you job user submitter is already created and his keytab deployed on every worker node and have hbase-site.xml and core-site.xml files on every node of your cluster with read permission for everyone. spark is configured and works in yarn cluster mode
How it works
Here the main workaround is to authenticate programmatically, get the new logged user and use it to communicate with HBase. The current logged user contains, HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN (hdfs), YARN_TS_DELEGATION_TOKEN, and YARN_AM_DELEGATION_TOKEN, but there are not enough to communicate with HBase with needs is own delegation token (like hive metastore), but as said above, SPARK can not retrieve it due to missing class at runtime. Create a new instance of the current user, loggin from keytab to be able to open connection with hbase as the user.
Get a new authenticated user programmatically:
val loggedUGI = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI("user","keytab")
Communicate with Hbase as the new user
loggedUGI.doAs(new PrivilegedAction[Void] { override def run() = { try { /* Communicate with Hbase */ } catch(...){ println(e) } } }
- This method does not fetch HBase delegation token, but authenticate to kerberos only. that;s why it is called workaround. It is the same as doing:
kinit tester@HADOOP.RYBA -kt tester.keytab hbase shell
By default SPARK has a mechanism to renew hbase delegation token, in case you have a long running job like Spark'streaming job. Here such a mechanism is not implemented ( in progress ). So if you want to have a long running job, increase the expiration time ticket, and reduce it when your job is done.
In every case the keytab must be found locally by the executors (yarn nodemanager node). This is due to the loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI method with only take a local path as a parameter. So you can deploy it your self or put it into hdfs and the spark job will deploy it for you
hbase-site.xml This file is also needed by every executors (yarn nodemanager node). You have to use the Spark mechanism to deploy it by using the --files option. It will put it in the worker's working directory.
Deploy Keytabs (if kerberized)
Two modes are possible (for backward compatibility designed to run on spark from 1.3.1)
- Deploy the keytab your self on every node managers, at the location that you will specifiy with -keytab option
- Put the keytab in hdfs. With this method the location should start by 'hdfs:' (e.g. hdfs://hdfs_namenode:8020/user/tester/tester.keytab)
Run the command The Spark Job will write to hbase table_message, at 'cf1' column family -bulk is optional. It writes the content of each kafka message into a separate table (e.g. table_bulk)
kinit tester@REALM.COM /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/bin/spark-submit \ --master yarn-cluster \ /root/kafka_spark_streaming-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \ -input_topic input_topic \ -b "master1.ryba:9092,master2.ryba:9092,master3.ryba:9092" \ -input_topic my_input_topic \ -principal tester@REALM.COM \ -keytab /path/to/keytab \ -z host1,host2,host2 \ -zp 2181 -table table_message -bulk table_bulk
These instructions might not been complete according to how you set up your cluster. These are the main steps I needed to execute to make it work.
When creating a job submitter user be sure to follow this steps:
- Create a kerberos principal
add_principal tester@REALM.COM
- generate a keytab for this principal
ktadd -k /path/to/tester.keytab tester@REALM.COM
- deploy the keytab on every worker node or in hdfs
Create the user ( and allowing to submit to yarn)
bash useradd tester -g hadoop
Create hdfs layout for user.
bash hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/tester hdfs dfs -chown -R tester:tester /user/tester
- ACL's - Create a table with enough permission for the user"
kinit hbase@REALM.COM
hbase shell >$ create "table_tester", { NAME => 'cf1' }
hbase shell >$ grant 'tester', 'RWC', 'table_tester'
- Hbase-site
The Hbase site has to contain the master, and region server principal.
it must contain the following properties
- "hbase.rpc.controllerfactory.class"
- "hbase.zookeeper.quorum"
- ""
- ""
- "" the hbase.zookeeper.quorum and can be passed to command line as -z, --zk_quorum and -zp, --zk_port
Be sure to have following file deployed on every yarn node managers:
- hbase-site.xml in /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml
- core-site in /etc/hadoop/conf/
spark-default.conf and should exist and rightly configured in /etc/spark/conf/