Application operations have undo. Database operations have transactions. Why should your scripts be left out? Transactional Ruby Scripts allow operators to build scripts for managing their systems that have predictable and recoverable failure modes. No more wondering what state the system has been left in after one failed command.
Transactional shell command pairs:
TRS.transaction do TRS.up do system "/etc/init.d/postgresql start" end TRS.down do system "/etc/init.d/postgresql stop" end end
Helpers for commonly-used commands
Atomic continuations:
$: do_somthing.trs > mv /tmp/foo /tmp/bar ERROR: /tmp/foo does not exist! Rolling back! To continue, run: > do_something.trs --continue stage_3
Nicely-named checkpoints:
TRS.checkpoint(:setup_configs, "Copy configuration files into place") TRS.copy("/tmp/staging/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
$: do_something.trs PASS CHECKPOINT Copy configuration files into place COPY /tmp/staging/nginx.conf -> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ERROR: /tmp/staging/nginx.conf does not exist! Rolling back! To continue, run: > do_something.trs --continue setup_configs_1