
Competence management solution

Primary LanguageHTML


A user-friendly Flask-Python web application for recording and monitoring training in a department or team. The entire app is Dockerised and therefore portable across different host servers. Currently, it runs a tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.6 Docker image.


  • Linux server (we have tested on Ubuntu) with Docker installed
  • MySQL database
  • A folder on host server to store uploaded documents

Getting Started

  1. Clone the code using git clone https://github.com/sch-sdgs/SDGSCompetence.git

  2. Copy into app/config.py and fill out the following (or copy over an existing config.py):

    import os
    basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = <address_of_MySQL_db>
    WHOOSH_BASE = os.path.join(basedir + '/app/resources/')
    UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join('/uploads')
    UPLOADED_FILES_DEST = os.path.join('/uploads')
    QPULSE_MODULE= { True / False } 
    ### for email notifications ###
    MAIL= { True / False }
    MAIL_SERVER = <mail_server>
    MAIL_PORT = <mail_port>
    MAIL_USERNAME = <mail_username> (can be None)
    MAIL_PASSWORD = <mail_password> (can be None)
    ORGANISATION = <organisation_name>
    ACTIVE_DIRECTORY = { True / False }
  3. cd into SDGSCompetence directory

  4. Build the Docker image: docker build . -t competencedb:<version>

  5. Run the Docker: docker run --name competencedb_<version> -v <uploads_folder>:/uploads -v /etc/ssl/certs/:/etc/ssl/certs/:ro -v /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/:ro -e CONFIG='/app/config.py' --link <mysql_docker> -p <host_port>:80 -dit competencedb:<version>

  6. On a browser (we recommend Chrome or Firefox, not IE), log onto: <IP_address>:<port_number>