
This is a fabfile developed for our blog post on deploying applications via Fabric

Canvas Fabfile

This is a fabfile that can be used for site/application deployment. It roughly models the same process as whiskey_disk, but is not exactly a drop-in replacement (probably uses more than 1 SSH connection, does not support config repos).

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In order to use this fabfile, you will need to edit it a bit. If you look in the source, you will see two CONFIG blocks that are commented out. These are two separate deployment targets ("staging" and "production"). A deployment target, generally, is defined as a dictionary:

CONFIG['target name'] = {
  'ssh_user': 'remote_user_name',
  'domain':   'remote_host_name',
  'deploy_to': '/path/to/which/you/want/to/deploy',
  'repository': 'the git repository from which to deploy',
  'branch': 'the branch from which to deploy',
  'post_deploy_script': 'a script relative to deploy_to to run after deploy',
  'post_setup_script': 'a script relative to deploy_to to run after setup'

At current, all of the configuration flags are required. For the case of the post scripts, set them to empty strings ('') if you do not wish to run a script.


Now that you have your targets set up, you can start using the fabfile. So as to conform to the whiskey disk user interface, the first thing that you'll need to do is to set up your target. For example, if you have a "STAGING" target, the setup looks like this (run from the directoy that contains your fabfile):

fab target:STAGING setup

This command does an initial clone of the repo into the "deploy to" path on the remote server, then it runs the post setup script. Technically, your app or site is now deployed, depending on your definition of deployedness (which is now a word). To really deploy (that is, update from the git repo and run the post deploy script), deploy the target like so:

fab target:STAGING deploy

Release History

  • 0.0.1 - Cleaned up example targets, cleaned up some code, added README
  • 0.0.0 - Initial release