Basic stateless stream processor using Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka Streams

This sample application demonstrates how a basic stateless Kafka Streams application can be written using Spring Cloud Stream.

For more info on the details, please check out this blog.

Running the app:

Clone this repository.

Go to the root of the repository.

./mvnw clean package

Now we are ready to start the app, but before doing so make sure that you have Kafka (and Zookeeper) running on the default port. This repository includes a docker-compose script that you can use to start Kafka.

In order to start the docker container:

docker-compose up

On a different terminal, from the root of the repoisoty

java -jar target/stream-processing-basic-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Assuming you are running the dockerized Kafka cluster as above.

Issue the following commands:

docker exec -it stream-processing-basic /opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list --topic foo

On another terminal:

docker exec -it stream-processing-basic /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --topic bar

Enter some text in the console producer and watch the output in the console consumer.

Also, look at the console where the application is running for the log messages.

Once you are done, stop the Kafka cluster: docker-compose down (from the root of the repository where the docker-compose script resides)