
This project implements the specified API for SYBO Games test in Go and uses Cassandra DB for storage.

The Database is specified through a Interface and thus can be replace by other implementations. The REST API is implemented in the user package (should have been renamed).

The service is unit tested using httptest and a small shell script implements a integration test.


Both Cassandra and the API can be deployed using a existing kubernetes cluster:


$ kubectl create -f local-storages.yaml 
$ kubectl create -f cassandra-statefulset.yaml
$ kubectl create -f cassamdra-service.yaml

When the cassandra cluster is running we need to initialize the keyspace and setup the table

$ kubectl cp keyspace.cql cassandra-0:keyspace.cql
$ kubectl cp keyspace.cql cassandra-0:user.cql
$ kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 /bin/bash
$ cat keyspace.cql |cqlsh
$ cat user.cql |cqlsh
$ exit

GAMEAPI service

It can be deployed using the following commands:

$ kubectl create -f gameapi-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl expose gameapi --type LoadBalancer --external-ip=<your-external-ip>

In order to test create a tunnel from port 8000 to port 8000.