IMPORTANT: Everything that needs to be filled in is marked with !!!, find all instances of !!! to replace with live content.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that Travis and Netlify is set up and using !!!GITHUB_PROJECT_NAME before you complete this file.



Contributor instructions:

If you have any questions about the following instructions please get in touch with us via our core-team Slack workspace (if you have access) or send an email to

🌱 1. Set up local environment

  1. Clone the repository by running git clone!!!GITHUB_PROJECT_NAME.git.
  2. Make sure you have the latest release of NodeJS installed.
  3. Make sure you have the latest release of Yarn installed.
  4. Run yarn in the root folder of the repository to install all dependancies.

👓 2. Read our documentation

  1. Please familiarise yourself with this project's architecture and guidelines before proceding.

🚀 3. Make a pull request

  1. If you are making a public pull request (i.e. you do not have write access) use the forking Git workflow.
  2. If you are a project contributor (.e. you have write access) use the feature branch Git workflow.
  3. Make a pull request via the Github dashboard to the master branch.
  4. The designated owner of the repository will automatically be tagged in all pull requests via the docs/CODEOWNERS file.
  5. Once your code has been accepted and merged into master Netlify will automatically deploy the changes to