Algolia Project


We have a search database on Algolia.

Developer documentation on Algolia can be found here.

We'd like to have a drop down search interface on our site search that looks like the image below:

The drop down search interface is to be activated when the user searchs for a product on our website.

This is an example of a drop down search interface:

Please note the search result rows should have the following structure:

A static HTML page index.html has been provided for you to code against.


  • The dropdown should have the text "Products" as a header
  • Your code should be disabled when used on a mobile device, and should not interfer with the exisiting search system. I.e. the search box should fall back to the exisitng search system.
  • Hitting the "return key" when content is in the search box should fall back to the existing search system.
  • Clicking anywhere on a result row should take the user to the content in the handle key.
  • The matched strings should be bold.
    • A class in the css called ".matched" should be used so it is easy to change the formatting in the future
  • Images should be included in the dropdown.
    • The search results provide a link to the full quality version of the image e.g.: This needs to be changed client side to where full has been replaced with thumb.
    • Images should preserve original aspect ratio.
  • The content from the "sku" key should should be included (where the price is in the attached example).
  • A maximum of 12 results should be shown at any time.


  • Code should be checked (in a working state) into this repository
  • Javascript and CSS files that achieve the above.

Important Information

  • Index name: lbe-products
  • Application ID: U34J99QLYK
  • Search Only API Key: 54ffd9b3efb53d49a130a7acdbe8742c

Example Record:

      "sku": "PL-2191",
      "title": "Arduino Uno R3",
      "description": null,
      "local_inv": 0,
      "supplier_inv": 0,
      "location": "F.E.3.4",
      "image": "",
      "handle": ""