This tool generates SQL queries to fetch nested data in JSON format from any number of related database tables, and generates result type declarations that match each query's result structure. The generated SQL can then be executed directly against the database without the need for any extra runtime libraries, yielding JSON, and the results deserialized to the generated result types using any of the common libraries or facilities in your target language for that purpose (e.g. Jackson for Java, or just JSON.parse() for TypeScript).
Supported databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle. (Postgres tested for v. 12+, some previous versions may also work; MySQL tested only at v.8; Oracle 19+ tested, 18 might work, but not <=12.2)
Supported languages for result types: TypeScript, Java
For each of a set of TypeScript query specifications written by the developer, which describes a hierarchy of related tables from which to fetch data, the tool:
Generates a SQL query conforming to the ISO SQL/JSON standard, or the closest approximation supported by the database, which when executed will yield JSON data for the related tables via a single query execution.
Generates the matching type declarations for the query results in either TypeScript or Java, to which the query results can be directly deserialized.
An advantage of using SQL/JSON aggregation functions, as found in the generated queries, is that it allows us to efficiently pull data from multiple independent child hierarchies of any given parent table in a single query, which is not achievable practically or efficiently via traditional joins. The downside of SQL/JSON is that it's somewhat difficult and tedious to actually write these queries directly in SQL, and more so to also create types to match the query result structures. This was the motivation for the source generator: to make it easy to create the nested data SQL/JSON queries from a simple specification and to auto-generate their result types at the same time.
When generating queries, database metadata is used to verify all tables, fields, and foreign key relationships referenced in the query specifications, failing with an error if any such items are not found in database metadata. A self-contained tool is included to fetch the database metadata for each supported database.
As a developer, your primary job in the process is to supply a file query-specs.ts
which provides a list
of query specifications, where each specification describes a hierarchy of data to be fetched for a query.
An example of the query specifications and generated sources follows.
Let's look at example inputs and outputs to clarify what the tool does. For an actual follow-along executable example, please see the the tutorial.
Out first "input" is the database itself, for which we'll use the example schema diagrammed below (which is about clinical drugs). The database is used to generate database metadata in JSON form, which is needed by the tool during source generation, both to verify references to database objects and to find foreign key information for related tables in query specifications. Generally we would only generate database metadata initially and then whenever the database has changes that we want to incorporate into our queries.
The other input for the source generator is a set of query specifications. A query specification describes how to form JSON output for each table, including how related table data is nested via parent/child table relationships within a table's output. These query specifications are expressed in TypeScript, regardless of target language, and are checked against database metadata whenever the tool is run. This checking ensures validity of all references to database objects, including implicit reliance on foreign keys in parent/child relationships.
In this example we supply a specification for a single drugs query, which fetches data from all tables in the above diagram:
const drugAdvisoriesReferencesQuery: QuerySpec = {
queryName: 'drug advisories references query',
tableJson: {
table: 'drug',
recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode' },
fieldExpressions: [
{ field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
parentTables: [
referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
table: 'compound',
fieldExpressions: [
{ field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
{ field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
parentTables: [
table: 'analyst',
fieldExpressions: [
{ field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by'] // <- specified because there are two foreign keys to this parent
childTables: [
collectionName: 'advisories',
table: 'advisory',
fieldExpressions: [
{ field: 'text', jsonProperty: 'advisoryText' },
parentTables: [
table: 'advisory_type',
fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeName' } ],
parentTables: [
table: 'authority',
fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeAuthorityName' } ]
collectionName: 'prioritizedReferences',
table: 'drug_reference',
fieldExpressions: [ 'priority' ],
parentTables: [
table: "reference",
fieldExpressions: [ 'publication' ]
orderBy: 'priority asc'
Given the inputs above, SQL/JSON-Query produces the following outputs:
- SQL files are generated and written to a specified output directory, for each query specification that was supplied. The SQL utilizes ISO standard SQL/JSON operators or their closest equivalent for the chosen type of database. For the query specification above the following SQL is produced:
-- JSON_OBJECT_ROWS results representation for drug advisories references query
'categoryCode', d.category_code,
'primaryCompound', (
'compoundDisplayName', c.display_name,
'enteredByAnalyst', a."enteredByAnalyst"
) json
compound c
-- parent table 'analyst', joined for inlined fields
left join (
select as "_id",
a.short_name "enteredByAnalyst"
analyst a
) a on c.entered_by = a."_id"
where (
d.compound_id =
'advisories', (
'advisoryTypeId', a.advisory_type_id,
'advisoryText', a.text,
'advisoryTypeName', at_."advisoryTypeName",
'advisoryTypeAuthorityName', at_."advisoryTypeAuthorityName"
)),'[]'::jsonb) json
advisory a
-- parent table 'advisory_type', joined for inlined fields
left join (
select as "_id", "advisoryTypeName",
-- field(s) inlined from parent table 'authority'
advisory_type at_
-- parent table 'authority', joined for inlined fields
left join (
select as "_id", "advisoryTypeAuthorityName"
authority a
) a on at_.authority_id = a."_id"
) at_ on a.advisory_type_id = at_."_id"
where (
a.drug_id =
'prioritizedReferences', (
'priority', dr.priority,
'publication', r.publication
) order by priority asc),'[]'::jsonb) json
drug_reference dr
-- parent table 'reference', joined for inlined fields
left join (
select as "_id",
r.publication as publication
reference r
) r on dr.reference_id = r."_id"
where (
dr.drug_id =
) json
drug d
where (
(category_code = :catCode)
- A TypeScript or Java source code file is generated for each query, which declares the result types for the objects appearing in the query results of the generated SQL for the query. The JSON value from each result row can be directly deserialized to the first result type declared in this file. For our example query specification, the following TypeScript source file is generated (Java source would be similar).
export const sqlResource = "drug-advisories-references-query.sql";
export interface Drug
drugName: string;
categoryCode: string;
primaryCompound: Compound;
advisories: Advisory[];
prioritizedReferences: DrugReference[];
export interface Compound
compoundId: number;
compoundDisplayName: string | null;
enteredByAnalyst: string;
export interface Advisory
advisoryTypeId: number;
advisoryText: string;
advisoryTypeName: string;
advisoryTypeAuthorityName: string;
export interface DrugReference
priority: number | null;
publication: string;
For a step-by-step guide to setting up the tool and progressively building and executing queries like the above against an actual example database, see the tutorial.
The following is a brief overview of what's involved in using the tool. It's recommended to work through or at least to review the tutorial to see a stepwise guide through a working example, which will provide more details.
Clone from the sqljson-query-dropin repo which contains a ready-to-go form of the tool:
git clone query-gen
Here we've installed the tool in a directory named query-gen
but you can name and position the
folder however you like — just adjust commands accordingly below.
Install the dependencies for the tool via npm:
cd query-gen
npm i && tsc
Create a properties file containing connection information for your database, with the format depending on the type of your database:
jdbc.driverClassName=... jdbc.url=... jdbc.username=... jdbc.password=...
Then generate the database metadata:
# in query-gen/
npx gen-dbmd --connProps <conn-props> --db <pg|mysql|hsql|ora> --outputDir <dir>
where conn-props
is the connection properties file created above, and the second argument represents
your database type.
Note: For an Oracle database, Maven and Java are used to fetch database metadata, but the Java/Maven dependency can be easily avoided. See Generating Database Metadata without Maven and Java below if you want to generate database metadata without those dependencies.
The generated database metadata files are dbmd.json
and relations-metadata.ts
Edit the included file gen-queries.ts
in directory query-gen/
to define application queries.
// (file <query-gen-folder>/query-specs.ts)
export const queryGroupSpec: QueryGroupSpec = {
defaultSchema: "foos",
generateUnqualifiedNamesForSchemas: ["foos"],
propertyNameDefault: "CAMELCASE",
querySpecs: [
// <your query specifications here>
The details of how to write query specifications are described in the the tutorial and further in the query specifications documentation. It is recommended to work through the tutorial before consulting the detailed documentation.
To generate SQL and matching TypeScript result types:
# in query-gen/
tsc && node gen-queries.js --dbmd dbmd.json --sqlDir sql --tsDir ts
This will generate the SQL and TypeScript sources for your queries in the directories you specify for
the sqlDir
and tsDir
Or for Java result types instead:
# in query-gen/
tsc && node gen-queries.js --dbmd dbmd.json --sqlDir src/sql --javaBaseDir src/generated --javaQueriesPkg my.pkg
A tutorial is available which builds a working example for an example database schema. It is recommended to review the tutorial before consulting the detailed query specifications documentation.
A small example app using SQL/JSON-Query with NodeJs/TypeScript and a Postgres database is available at:
Setup instructions are available in the README of that repository.
For Oracle database, the command in Generate Database Metadata above depend on Maven and Java being installed on your system. If you don't want to use Maven and Java, then it's easy to generate the database metadata without them. There are two database metadata files which need to be generated.
First generate the primary database metadata,
, by executing the SQL database metadata query for your database type, by whatever means you prefer to execute queries for your database. The query has two parameters,relIncludePat
, which are regular expressions for table names to be included and excluded, respectively. If you just want all tables to be included in the metadata, then pass (or textually replace) '.*' forrelIncludePat
and '^$'relExcludePat
. Save the resulting single json value to filedbmd.json
in folderquery-gen
. -
Next generate the additional "relations" metadata which is derived from the main metadata generated above. This is done via the command:
# (in query-gen/) npx gen-relsmd --dbmd dbmd.json --tsDir .
This command depends on the primary database metadata already existing, so these steps need to be run in the order above. This command should produce a metadata file at
Though SQL/JSON-Query is only intended to provide a query capability, some other libraries and frameworks that support querying (e.g. most object relational mapping tools) do also provide support for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements in some form. So the question arises, what to do about the need for these statements? Our generated SQL statements are checked for validity against the database schema at compile time, but don't cover modification statements. Are we to be thrown back to building raw SQL for data modification statements, without compile time checks of the tables and fields referenced? Or would we have to include another library for the purpose?
One light-weight solution to this is shown here. The idea is for the developer to write the data-modifying SQL statements, but to use the relations metadata already made available by SQL/JSON-Query for referencing all table and field names. This gives us compile-time verification of the table and field names used in the data modification statements. It is the same technique used to obtain compile-time verification of filter conditions shown at the end of the tutorial.
Here's an example pulled from the
SQL/JSON-Query example app (at src/app.ts
showing an insert statement with referenced field and table names being verified at compile time:
import {Schema_drugs as drugsSchema} from './generated/lib/relations-metadata';
import {verifiedFieldNames, verifiedTableName} from './tables-fields-verification';
async function createDrug(data: DrugData, pgClient: PgClient): Promise<void>
// Check at compile time the table and field names to be used against database schema information.
const drug = verifiedTableName(drugsSchema, "drug");
const {id, name, compound_id, category_code, descr, registered_by} = verifiedFieldNames(drugsSchema.drug);
const res = await pgClient.query(
`insert into ${drug}(${id}, ${name}, ${compound_id}, ${category_code}, ${descr}, ${registered_by}) ` +
"values($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, 1)",
[,, data.compoundId, data.category, data.description]
if (res.rowCount !== 1)
throw new Error('Expected one row to be modified when creating drug.');
Here verifiedFieldNames
and verifiedTableName
small utility functions,
defined in the example app.