
A command line tool to detect shared passwords

Primary LanguageXSLT


A command line tool to detect shared passwords

Example Usage

List available modules:

$ java -jar shard-1.0.jar -l
Available modules:

Given a username and password shard will attempt to authenticate with multiple sites:

$ java -jar shard-1.0.jar -u <redacted-username> -p <redacted-password>
- Tried credentials on 5 sites
- Failed authentication for 2 sites:
-      Reddit
-      Instagram
- Discovered credentials for 3 sites:
-      Facebook
-      LinkedIn
-      Twitter


Grab the latest release from the release tab, which was built as a fat jar using sbt assembly.


Build it yourself using sbt

Developing a new module

Adding a new module is easy. Create a new class that inherits from AbstractModule in the module package and add the module to the ModuleFactory.

The AbstractModule has one abstract method:

  def tryLogin(creds: Credentials): LoginResult

This method takes a Credentials object and returns either a SuccessfulLogin or FailedLogin object. I recommend using the TwitterModule as an template.


  • JSoup is used for HTTP communication and HTML parsing
  • spray-json is used for handling json

Bugs, Requests, and Feedback

Contact me or use this GitHub project