- 0
Scripts not created by me are accessible to me
#42 opened by vaibhavp4 - 1
Add Firefox Support
#41 opened by sohang3112 - 2
How to scrape link URLs ?
#40 opened by sohang3112 - 3
Cannot seem to run from source
#39 opened by mdittmer - 0
- 1
Anyway to automate the downloaded script?
#34 opened by kadnan - 6
Load URL from files?
#19 opened by kadnan - 3
Can I use it remotely?
#9 opened by kadnan - 3
Is the server down?
#27 opened by kadnan - 1
Data Security Issue
#32 opened by OtherLeadingBrand - 0
How to fetch links from such site?
#31 opened by kadnan - 1
How to fetch multi column data?
#22 opened by kadnan - 2
Project Files
#25 opened by mariohmol - 3
Default Helena server timing out?
#23 opened by jlumbroso - 1
Feature Request: Option to specify custom helena backend URL or custom POST endpoint
#21 opened by jivank - 5
- 1
- 4
Extension not loading updated list for all members
#16 opened by kadnan - 1
How can I execute pagination?
#15 opened by kadnan - 3
Is there anyway to capture the link itself?
#11 opened by kadnan - 3
scroll function block
#14 opened by vitordino - 26
How to remove existing saved scripts?
#10 opened by kadnan - 2
Feature to add: scraping "link address"
#8 opened by aliannejadi - 2
[Suggestion] Add Contribution Options
#7 opened by samuel-allan