
C++17 Graph traits and algorithms

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Graph traits

C++17 Graph traits and algorithms

Quick overview

This graph_traits library recognizes 3 graph representation type automatically from c++ classes:

namespace bxlx::graph {
  enum class representation_t {
    adjacency_list, // range of range node
    adjacency_matrix, // range of range bool
    edge_list, // pair of node in a list

Some example:

using enum bxlx::graph::representation_t;
static_assert(representation<vector<vector<int>>> == adjacency_list);

static_assert(representation<bool[10][10]> == adjacency_matrix);

static_assert(representation<list<tuple<int, int, int>>> ==
              edge_list); // with bounded edge property

  tuple<vector<pair<vector<optional<edge_prop>>, node_prop>>, graph_prop>
> == adjacency_matrix); // it has bounded edge, node and graph properties

The main concepts:

  • all functions are implemented maximum in C++17 standard.
  • all graph function allocate maximum once, at begin.
  • if constexpr time known the nodes or edges (maximum) size, no heap allocation happens.
  • if any moved (rvalue reference) graph is passed to any algorithm, its storage will be used for the algorithm if no other space is required
  • overloaded functions with first argument std::execution::* is the parallel/vectorized algorithms.
  • all function except parallel/vectorized overloads must be constexpr.
  • multiple algorithm can be existing based on output iterator category.
    • random access range output to copy/iterate the whole data efficiently (default)
    • any iterator range when not needed the whole data in memory, like for take_while or drop_while algorithms.
      • activated when you pass bxlx::execution::lazy execution argument.

Graph node functions

has_node, get_node, get_node_property, add_node, remove_node

template<class Traits>
using node_t = typename Traits::node_index_t;
template<class Traits>
using node_repr_t = typename Traits::node_repr_type;
template<class Traits>
using node_prop_t = typename Traits::node_property_type;

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>>
constexpr bool has_node(const Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&);

// for edge_list-s where no node property stored
template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>, 
         class Eq = std::equal_to<node_t<GraphTraits>>>
constexpr bool has_node(const Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, Eq&& = {});

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<std::decay_t<Graph>>>
constexpr auto get_node(Graph [const|&|&&|*] g, const node_t<GraphTraits>&)
    -> node_repr_t<GraphTraits> [const|&|&&|*];

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<std::decay_t<Graph>>>
constexpr auto get_node_property(Graph [const|&|&&|*] g, const node_t<GraphTraits>&)
    -> node_prop_t<GraphTraits> [const|&|&&|*];

// only for modifiable structures:

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>      [, class ...Args           ]>
// parameters:                only if node index is user defined | only if it has node_property
constexpr auto add_node(Graph&[, const node_t<GraphTraits>&    ]   [, Args&& ...              ])
    -> std::pair<node_t<GraphTraits>, bool>; // index + was new

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>>
constexpr bool remove_node(Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&);

Graph edge functions

has_edge, get_edge, get_edge_property, add_edge, remove_edge

// it has 2 separated namespace
namespace bxlx::graph::directed; // form->to
namespace bxlx::graph::undirected; // from - to (expects edge property sharing)

// whose has nested other namespace
namespace bxlx::graph::directed::multi;
namespace bxlx::graph::undirected::multi;

template<class Traits>
using edge_repr_t = typename Traits::edge_repr_type;
template<class Traits>
using edge_prop_t = typename Traits::edge_property_type;

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>>
constexpr bool has_edge(const Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&);

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<std::decay_t<Graph>>>
constexpr auto get_edge(Graph [const|&|&&|*] g, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&)
    -> edge_repr_t<GraphTraits> [const|&|&&|*];

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<std::decay_t<Graph>>>
constexpr auto get_edge_property(Graph [const|&|&&|*] g, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&)
    -> edge_repr_t<GraphTraits> [const|&|&&|*];

// only for modifiable structures:

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>                          [, class ...Args           ]>
// parameters:                                                                         only if it has_edge_property
constexpr auto add_edge(Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, const node_t<GraphTraits>& [, Args&& ...              ])
    -> std::pair<edge_repr_t<GraphTraits>&, bool>; // edge_repr + was new

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = graph_traits<Graph>>
constexpr bool remove_edge(Graph&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&, const node_t<GraphTraits>&);

Breadth first search

Example for edge_list

#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>

void run_bfs() {
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>> edge_list {
        {"x", "end"},
        {"a", "b"},
        {"b", "c"}, {"b", "e"}, {"b", "x"},
        {"e", "a"}, {"e", "c"}, {"e", "f"}
    for (auto&& [parent, index, distance] : bxlx::graph::shortest_paths(edge_list, "a")) {
        if (distance != 0) // not the first node
            std::cout << parent << " -> ";
        std::cout << index << " (dist: " << distance << ")\n";
    // possible output: 

    // a (dist: 0)
    // a -> b (dist: 1)
    // b -> x (dist: 2)
    // b -> c (dist: 2)
    // b -> e (dist: 2)
    // x -> end (dist: 3)
    // e -> f (dist: 3)

Example for adjacency_list with bounded node property

O(n + e)

#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <string_view>

void run_bfs_2() {
    using namespace std;
    array<pair<initializer_list<int>, string_view>, 10> graph {{
        {{1, 2, 4, 9},  "node 0"},
        {{0, 5},        "node 1"},
        {{0, 1},        "node 2"},
        {{8, 9, 2},     "node 3"},
        {{7},           "node 4"},
        {{5, 5, 5},     "node 5"},
        {{0, 1, 2, 3},  "node 6"},
        {{3, 7, 9},     "node 7"},
        {{},            "node 8"},
        {{8},           "node 9"},
    for (auto&& [parent, index, node, distance] : bxlx::graph::shortest_paths(graph, 2)) {
        if (distance != 0) // not the first node
            cout << parent << " -> ";
        cout << std::quoted(*node) <<
                " (dist: " << distance << ")\n";
    // output:
    // "node 2" (dist: 0)
    // 2 -> "node 0" (dist: 1)
    // 2 -> "node 1" (dist: 1)
    // 0 -> "node 4" (dist: 2)
    // 0 -> "node 9" (dist: 2)
    // 1 -> "node 5" (dist: 2)
    // 4 -> "node 7" (dist: 3)
    // 9 -> "node 8" (dist: 3)
    // 7 -> "node 3" (dist: 4)

More examples to graph mapping

in the schema, the node_index/index must be the same


node index is [0..n)

  • Node indexed range can be any random access range. Shortened with NIR
  • Node index type is any which classified with index type. Shortened with I
  • Edge indexed range can be any random access range. Shortened with EIR
  • Edge index type is any which classified with index type. Shortened with E
  • edge_index can be any index which copyable and works as a key in the map
Edge directness Parallelism Example Note
Unknown Unknown NIR<range<I>> Edge directness and parallelism can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
Default consumption that all output edge is in the range, so it will not check the reverse direction.
You are the responsible for multiple edge nonexistence if that is disallowed and edge existence in both direction on undirected graph.
Unknown Disallow NIR<set<I>> Edge directness can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
Default consumption that all output edge is in the set, so it will not check the reverse direction.
You are the responsible for edge existence in both direction on undirected graph.
Unknown Allow NIR<multiset<I>> Edge directness can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
Default consumption that all output edge is in the multiset, so it will not check the reverse direction.
You are the responsible for edge existence in both direction on undirected graph.
Directed Unknown NIR<range<pair<I, edge_prop>>> Directed, because no edge_prop sharing in the structure.
range cannot be a set
Edge parallelism can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for multiple edge nonexistence if that is disallowed.
Directed Disallow NIR<map<I, edge_prop>> Directed, because no edge_prop sharing in the structure.
Directed Allow NIR<multimap<I, edge_prop>> Directed, because no edge_prop sharing in the structure.
Undirected Unknown pair<NIR<range<pair<I, E>>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<range<pair<I, edge_index>>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected, because edge_prop is shared in the edge range or edge map.
range cannot be a set
Algorithms assumes that if (u, v) exists then (v, u) too with same E or edge_index
Edge parallelism can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for multiple edge nonexistence if that is disallowed.
Undirected Disallow pair<NIR<map<I, E>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<map<I, edge_index>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected, because edge_prop is shared in the edge range or edge map.
Algorithms assumes that if (u, v) exists then (v, u) too with same E or edge_index
Edge parallelism can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for multiple edge nonexistence if that is disallowed.
Undirected Allow pair<NIR<multimap<I, E>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<multimap<I, edge_index>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected, because edge_prop is shared in the edge range or edge map.
Algorithms assumes that if (u, v) exists then (v, u) too with same E or edge_index
Edge parallelism can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for multiple edge nonexistence if that is disallowed.
  • Node property can be added for all if you replace NIR<$1> to NIR<pair<$1, node_property>>
  • Graph property can be added for all if
    • replace pair<NIR<$1>, $2>-s to tuple<NIR<$1>, $2, graph_property>
    • or NIR<$1>-s to pair<NIR<$1>, graph_property>


  • Is it not collide the recognition if pair<NIR<?>, EIR<?>> and pair<NIR<?>, graph_property> is allowed too?
    • No, because if recognized any property as a range, that recognition will be weaker
  • Can be edge_index is different type on the same schema?
    • No, it will not recognize as a valid type on that schema, so probably the edge map will be recognized as graph_property

node index is node_index any user defined type

Edge directness Parallelism Example Note
Unknown Unknown map<node_index, range<node_index>> for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Unknown Disallow map<node_index, set<node_index>> Different comparator, hash or equality type are not allowed.
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Unknown Allow map<node_index, multiset<node_index>> Different comparator, hash or equality type are not allowed.
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Directed Unknown map<node_index, range<pair<node_index, edge_prop>>> range cannot be a set
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Directed Disallow map<node_index, map<node_index, edge_prop>> for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Directed Allow map<node_index, multimap<node_index, edge_prop>> for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Undirected Unknown pair<map<node_index, range<pair<node_index, E>>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<map<node_index, range<pair<node_index, edge_index>>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
range cannot be a set
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Undirected Disallow pair<map<node_index, map<node_index, E>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<map<node_index, map<node_index, edge_index>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
Undirected Allow pair<map<node_index, multimap<node_index, E>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<map<node_index, multimap<node_index, edge_index>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
for more info, see previous table corresponding line
  • Node property can be added for all if you replace map<node_index, $1> to map<node_index, pair<$1, node_property>>
  • Graph property can be added for all if
    • replace pair<map<node_index, $1>, $2>-s to tuple<map<node_index, $1>, $2, graph_property>
    • or map<node_index, $1>-s to pair<map<node_index, $1>, graph_property>


Edge directness Parallelism Compressed Example Note
Unknown Disallow No NIR<NIR<bool>> Edge directness can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for edge existence in both direction on undirected graph.
Unknown Disallow Yes NIR<bitset> Edge directness can be passed to graph property, or the algorithms where needed.
You are the responsible for edge existence in both direction on undirected graph.
Directed Disallow No NIR<NIR<optional<edge_prop>>> Directed, because no edge_prop sharing in the structure.
Directed Allow No NIR<NIR<range<edge_prop>>>

Directed, because no edge_prop sharing in the structure.
dinamically calculated, if not constexpr size
Disallow Yes random_access_range<bool>


Only if size(container) is N²
(includes 0 and 1)
dinamically calculated, if not constexpr size
Allow Yes random_access_range<count>

Only if size(container) is N²
(includes 0 and 1)
Undirected Disallow No pair<NIR<NIR<optional<E>>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<NIR<optional<edge_index>>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected, because edge_prop is shared in the edge range or edge map.
Undirected Allow No pair<NIR<NIR<range<E>>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<NIR<range<edge_index>>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<NIR<optional<range<E>>>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<NIR<NIR<optional<range<edge_index>>>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected, because edge_prop is shared in the edge range or edge map.
dinamically calculated, if not constexpr size
Disallow Yes random_access_range<bool>


Only if size(container) is N * (N+1) / 2
(excludes 0 and 1)
Lower triangular matrix, node addition only a resize
dinamically calculated, if not constexpr size
Allow Yes random_access_range<count>

Only if size(container) is N * (N+1) / 2
(excludes 0 and 1)
Lower triangular matrix, node addition only a resize
  • bitsets: std::bitset<N>, std::vector&lt;bool&gt;
  • Node property can be added for not flat structures if you replace NIR<$1> to NIR<pair<$1, node_property>>
  • Graph property can be added for all if
    • replace pair<NIR<$1>, $2>-s to tuple<NIR<$1>, $2, graph_property>
    • or $1-s to pair<$1, graph_property>
  • User defined node index can be used only if constexpr sized associative container used.
    • invalid element can be used


Edge directness Parallelism Example Note
Unknown Unknown range<pair<node_index, node_index>>
Unknown Disallow set<pair<node_index, node_index>>
Unknown Allow multiset<pair<node_index, node_index>>
Directed Unknown range<tuple<node_index, node_index, edge_prop>>
Directed Disallow map<pair<node_index, node_index>, edge_prop>
Directed Allow multimap<pair<node_index, node_index>, edge_prop>
Undirected Unknown pair<range<tuple<node_index, node_index, E>>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<range<tuple<node_index, node_index, edge_index>>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected Disallow pair<map<pair<node_index, node_index>, E>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<map<pair<node_index, node_index>, edge_index>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>
Undirected Allow pair<multimap<pair<node_index, node_index>, E>, EIR<edge_prop>>

pair<multimap<pair<node_index, node_index>, edge_index>, map<edge_index, edge_prop>>

node property can be added

  • For pair<$1, $2> the tuple<map<node_index, node_prop>, $1, $2> or tuple<NIR<node_prop>, $1, $2>
  • Or else $1 the pair<map<node_index, node_prop>, $1> or pair<NIR<node_prop>, $1> Graph property can be added to the end of the pair-s, tuples

Algorithms, functions

Non modifying algorithms

struct edge_types {
  enum type { tree, forward, reverse, cross, parallel };
  using tree_t = std::integral_constant<type, tree>;
  using forward_t = std::integral_constant<type, forward>;
  using reverse_t = std::integral_constant<type, reverse>;
  using cross_t = std::integral_constant<type, cross>;
  using parallel_t = std::integral_constant<type, parallel>;
using edge_type = edge_types::type;

template<class Distance = std::size_t, class ColoredEdgeOutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr ColoredEdgeOutIt depth_first_search(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, ColoredEdgeOutIt out, Distance max_distance = ~Distance());
template<class Distance = std::size_t, class ColoredEdgeOutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr ColoredEdgeOutIt breadth_first_search(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, ColoredEdgeOutIt out, Distance max_distance = ~Distance());
// fills 'out' with a flexible class, which implicit convertible to any 16 tuple:
// - std::tuple<[node_t, ]node_t, [const node_property_t*, ][const edge_property_t*, ]TreeType [, Distance]>          
// -             parent  +  to    +      node prop          +   edge prop            +edge type+  distance
// - std::pair <node_t, TreeType>

// where TreeType is one of the following type: 
// tree_t, forward_t, reverse_t, cross_t, parallel_t; whose implicit convertible to edge_type.

// if edge_property_t is void, overloads works with edge_repr_t
// if node_property_t is void, those overloads are not applicable

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt shortest_paths(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, OutIt out, Weight = {}, WeightRes max_weight = ~WeightRes());
// Weight is default if Graph has edge property, and the property has:
// - default constructor, (means zero weight/distance)
// - copy constructor
// - operator +(P, P)
// - operator <(P, P)
// - operator ~() on default constructed item.
// if edge property is not matching these properties, default SizeTOne is used as weight
// if Weight is user defined, any callable can pass which:
// - can be called with 3 argument: (node_t from, node_t to, const edge_property_t& prop)
// - can be called with 3 argument: (node_t from, node_t to, const edge_repr_t& prop)
// - can be called with 2 argument: (node_t from, node_t to)
// - can be called with 1 argument: (const edge_property_t& prop)
// - can be called with 1 argument: (const edge_repr_t& prop)
// - returns with a type whose match the listing above
// it must be sfinae friendly
// if Weight == SizeTOne, it uses bfs
// if Weight type is unsigned: T() < ~T(), or used bounded edge as weight, and all edge property is >= T() then dijkstra used
//    - signedness can be determined constexpr only if T [is trivial C++17] [has constexpr constructor/destructor and operator~ >=C++20]
// else use bellman_ford algorithm
// fills 'out' with a flexible class, which implicit convertible to this 8 tuple: (*)
// - std::tuple<[node_t, ]node_t, [const node_property_t*, ][const edge_property_t*, ]WeightRes>          
// -              parent + to     +     n_property          +      e_property        + weight
// - std::pair <node_t, weight> 
// if edge_property_t is void, those overloads works with edge_repr_t
// if node_property_t is void, those overloads are not applicable

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class NodeInputIt, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt shortest_paths(const Graph& g, NodeInputIt first, NodeInputIt last, OutIt out, Weight = {}, WeightRes max_weight = ~WeightRes());
// same as previous, but with multiple start node

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_directed_acyclic(const Graph& g);
// A graph is directed acyclic if no cycle found in it

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_connected(const Graph& g, bool is_directed = /*TODO*/);
template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_forest(const Graph& g, bool is_directed = /*TODO*/);

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_tree(const Graph& g, bool is_directed = /*TODO*/);
// == is_forest && is_connected

template<class NodeOutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr NodeOutIt component(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> node, NodeOutIt out);
// fills 'out' with node indices, whose connected to 'node' 

template<class NodeOutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr NodeOutIt topological_sort(const Graph& g, NodeOutIt out);

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, [class Heuristic,]
         class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt shortest_path(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, node_t<Graph> to, 
                              OutIt out, Weight&& = {}[, Heuristic&& = {}]);
// Weight argument is same as in shortest_paths

// Heuristic:
// - can be called with (node_t from, node_t end)
// - has copy constructor
// - return value (r) has operator+(weight, r) -> weight

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, [class Heuristic,]
         class NodeInputIt, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt shortest_path(const Graph& g, NodeInputIt first_from, NodeInputIt last_from, node_t<Graph> to, 
                              OutIt out, Weight&& = {} [, Heuristic&& = {}]);
// same as previous version, except this accept multiple from indices

template<class PairOutIt, class Color = std::size_t, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr PairOutIt coloring(const Graph& g, PairOutIt out, Color max_color = ~Color());
// this algorithm fills 'out' with a pair of node index, and [Color(), ..., max_color) assigned color
// std::pair<node_t, Color>
// Color must be default constructible, copy constructible and has operator++ exists

//                                                                          adj_list    | adj_mat   | edge_list
// if max_color is INF (default, means no maximum), greedy algorithm used   O(n+e)      | ?         | ?
// if max_color == 2, bipartite algorithm used                              O(n+e)      | ?         | ?
// else [1] algorithm used                                                  O(c * n^2)  | ?         | ?

// throws invalid_argument if max(out_edge_count(node)..., in_edge_count(node)...) >= max_color 

template<class PairOutIt, class ComponentType = std::size_t, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr PairOutIt components(const Graph& g, PairOutIt out, ComponentType start = ComponentType());
// fills 'out' with a pair of node index, and [start, ...) assigned component index
// std::pair<node_t, ComponentType>
// ComponentType must be copy constructible and has operator++ exists

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt matching_edges(const Graph& g, OutIt out, Weight&& = {});
// fills 'out' with edges [minimum weight if set] whose match maximum possible node in the graph

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrNone, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt cover_edges(const Graph& g, OutIt out, Weight&& = {});
// fills 'out' with edges [minimum weight if set] whose cover all node in the graph
// it uses matching() and complements it

template<class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrNone, class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt spanning_edges(const Graph& g, OutIt out, Weight&& = {});
// fills 'out' with edges [minimum weight if set] whose used in graph it keeps the components connected 
// without any undirected circle (on a connected graph, it makes a tree)

template<class OutIt, class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr OutIt eulerian_path(const Graph& g[, node_t<Graph> start], OutIt out, bool closed = false);
// contains all edge from graph

namespace isomorph {
struct hash {
    using is_transparent = ...;
    template<class Graph>
    constexpr std::size_t operator()(const Graph&) noexcept(...) const;
    // uses [2]

struct equal_to {
    using is_transparent = ...;
    template<class G1, class G2>
    constexpr bool operator()(const G1&, const G2&) noexcept(...) const;
    // first uses node degree sorting comparator, then
    // uses [3]


// Currently not needed

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_planar(const Graph&);
// A graph is planar iff it can be drawn in a plane without any edge intersections.

template<class Graph, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr bool is_regular(const Graph&[, std::size_t k = INF]);
// if k == INF then any regularity accepted, if not, only k regularity
// graph is k regular iff all node degree is exactly k

// [1] Kierstead, H. A., Kostochka, A. V., Mydlarz, M., & Szemerédi, E. (2010). A fast algorithm for equitable coloring. Combinatorica, 30(2), 217-224.
// [2] Shervashidze, Nino, Pascal Schweitzer, Erik Jan Van Leeuwen, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Karsten M. Borgwardt. Weisfeiler Lehman Graph Kernels. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2011. http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume12/shervashidze11a/shervashidze11a.pdf
// [3] L. P. Cordella, P. Foggia, C. Sansone, M. Vento, "An Improved Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs", 3rd IAPR-TC15 Workshop  on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, Cuen, pp. 149-159, 2001.


namespace ranges {
// + BFS, DFS

template<class OutType = void, class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class Graph,
         class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>,
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector shortest_paths(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, Weight = {}, 
                                       WeightRes max_weight = ~WeightRes(),
                                       StorageVector&& = {});
// returns std::vector<std::tuple<node_t, node_t, weight>> if OutType == void and no bounded property
// returns std::vector<std::tuple<node_t, node_t, const node_property_t*, weight>> if OutType == void, and it has bounded node property 
// returns std::vector<OutType> if OutType is constructible from any acceptable edge output, see (*)
// returns OutType if it is a range of acceptable edge output
// if Graph node size is constexpr, then returns default std::array<T, NODES> replacement of std::vector
        // the unfilled array elements will contain GraphTraits::invalid TO nodes 

template<class OutType = void, class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class InputNodes, 
         class Graph, class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>, 
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector shortest_paths(const Graph& g, InputNodes&& from, Weight = {}, 
                                       WeightRes max_weight = ~WeightRes(),
                                       StorageVector&& = {});

template<class NodeVector = void, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<NodeVector, Graph, node_t<Graph>>,
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector component(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> node, StorageVector&& = {});

template<class NodeVector = void, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<NodeVector, Graph, node_t<Graph>>, 
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector topological_sort(const Graph& g, StorageVector&& = {});

template<class OutType = void, class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, [class Heuristic,]
         class Graph, class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>, class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector shortest_path(const Graph& g, node_t<Graph> from, node_t<Graph> to, 
                                      StorageVector&& = {}, Weight&& = {}[, Heuristic&& = {}]);

template<class OutType = void, class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, [class Heuristic,]
         class InputNodes, class Graph, class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>, 
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector shortest_path(const Graph& g, InputNodes&& from, node_t<Graph> to, 
                                      StorageVector&& = {}, Weight&& = {}[, Heuristic&& = {}]);

template<class PairVector = void, class Color = std::size_t, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<PairVector, Graph, std::pair<node_t<Graph>, Color>>,
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector coloring(const Graph& g, Color max_color = ~Color(), StorageVector&& = {});

template<class PairVector = void, class ComponentType = std::size_t, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<PairVector, Graph, std::pair<node_t<Graph>, ComponentType>>
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector components(const Graph& g, ComponentType start = ComponentType(), StorageVector&& = {});

template<class OutType = void, class Weight = EdgePropIdentityCmpOrSizeTOne, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>,
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector X(const Graph& g, Weight&& = {}, StorageVector&& = {});
// where X can be: matching_edges, cover_edges, spanning_edges

template<class OutType = void, class Graph, 
         class StorageVector = Storage<OutType, Graph>,
         class GraphTraits = ...>
constexpr StorageVector eulerian_path(const Graph& g[, node_t<Graph> start], bool closed = false,
                                      StorageVector&& = {});