Utility that able to parse mitmproxy flows file (modified netstring serialization format), build IP, TCP and HTTP packets for each request and response and output it in .pcap file
libpcap - Packet Capture library https://www.tcpdump.org/manpages/pcap.3pcap.html
Installing under Debian-based Linux distros is trivial:
sudo apt install libpcap-dev
mkdir build && cd $_ && cmake .. && make -j4
qmake && make -j4
mitmproxy2pcap v0.1.20.12 (c) Oleg V. Polivets, 2018.
mitmproxy flow files converter to pcap.
mitmproxy2pcap [OPTIONS] path_to_input_file
--print - just print json representation of parsed flows and exit.
--help - this output.