
iOS-App that informs you about public drinking regulations in all countries around the world.

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About The Project

WhereCanIDrink is an iOS-App made in Swift. It`s not always easy to keep up with the alcohol regulations in each country.

  • "Am I allowed to drink in public places in Lithuania?"
  • "Where can I buy alcoholic beverages in Sweden"?

Wherever your trip will lead you, WhereCanIDrink got you covered with the local regulations.

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The comment-system allows to share your experience in that country with others.
Share what is tolerated, what is strictly enforced? Maybe your experience differs completely from the information provided? Just tell us and others. You can confirm the information of each country, by giving it a Thumps up. Other users can see how often the information about alcohol regulations are confirmed.

The latest feature is the Location-Finder. If location-services are enabled on your device, you can find the regulations of your current country with one click.

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Built With

The app is built using Swift. Firebase is used as a backend to provide the database of countries. We are not collecting any data, except you decide to leave a comment. I that case your chosen NickName will be saved. That`s it.


Download it from the Apple AppStore. Required iOS 13.0 or newer


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