This project provides a web service that offers test data as download, stream, and event-based response using websockets. The main dependencies are Python 3 and FastAPI.
The project dependencies are managed through pipenv. For a local setup, install the dependencies using
pipenv install
Then, the service can be started using
pipenv run uvicorn --host --port 9000 service:app
Docker can be used for streamlined setup, build, and deployment.
Using plain docker, the service is build using
docker build . -t data-generator-service:latest
and then started using
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 --rm data-generator-service:latest
With docker-compose, the deployment is as short as
docker-compose up service
The endpoints of the service provides table-structured data using different technologies and use cases.
As data sources, files and live-generated data - both limited and unlimited - is available. As response technologies, provisioning by download, by stream, and by websocket are available.
Summarizing, the service provides the following endpoints to retrieve data:
The generator_n
endpoints support the query parameter n
to set the number of data points - default is 100
Example: /csv/generator_n/as/stream?n=1000000
For the following examples, we assume the default setup on localhost at port 9000.
The internally used FastAPI library provides two generated documentation websites that are hosted on http://localhost:9000/docs and http://localhost:9000/redoc. However, the websocket endpoints are not testable using these clients, as is the infinite dataset generation using the streaming endpoint. All other endpoints are available for test at these websites.
All endpoints can be tested using curl.
curl -o - http://localhost:9000/csv/file/as/download
curl -o - http://localhost:9000/csv/file/as/stream
curl -o - --http1.1 --include --no-buffer --header "Connection: Upgrade" --header "Upgrade: websocket" --header "Host: localhost:9000" --header "Origin: http://localhost:9000" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQAAAA==" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" http://localhost:9000/csv/file/as/websocket
curl -o - http://localhost:9000/csv/generator_n/as/download
curl -o - http://localhost:9000/csv/generator_n/as/stream
curl -o - --http1.1 --include --no-buffer --header "Connection: Upgrade" --header "Upgrade: websocket" --header "Host: localhost:9000" --header "Origin: http://localhost:9000" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQAAAA==" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" http://localhost:9000/csv/generator_n/as/websocket
curl -o - http://localhost:9000/csv/generator_infinite/as/stream
curl -o - --http1.1 --include --no-buffer --header "Connection: Upgrade" --header "Upgrade: websocket" --header "Host: localhost:9000" --header "Origin: http://localhost:9000" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQAAAA==" --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" http://localhost:9000/csv/generator_infinite/as/websocket