
This app allows you to see who's currently in your office, flat etc. It works by looking for MAC addresses of devices connected to your router and sends this info to Firebase every few minutes. The web app connects to Firebase and displays up-to-date presence information.



  1. Setup Firebase:

    1. Sign up for a free Firebase account and create a database.
    2. Go to "Security Rules" tab, click "Load Rules" button and select rules.json file.
    3. Go to "Data" tab and add users. You can check required schema in users.json file. You can add them by hand or modify users.json file and import it by clicking "Import JSON" button.
    4. Take note of your database URL and its secret, which can be found in "Secrets" tab.
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies.

  3. Run grunt setup - this will ask you for your Firebase URL and its secret and generate the app into dist folder.

  4. Setup scanning script on your server:

    1. Copy generated file to your server:

      scp your-server:/usr/local/bin/

    2. SSH to your server and change owner of the script:

      sudo chown root:root

    3. Setup cron by running sudo crontab -e. It should be ok to run the script every minute:

      * * * * * /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: The bash script uses curl and nmap commands, so make sure you've got them installed on your server.

  5. Open dist/index.html file in your favorite browser and you're done!

The configuration is saved into config.json file. You can change your database URL or authentication token there and then run grunt build to regenerate the app using the new configuration.


The web app doesn't need any server - once you generate it you can simply open dist/index.html file in your browser and it will work.

However, you'll probably want to host it somewhere, so that it's available for others too. You can use e.g. GitHub Pages for that. To do it, fork this repo and run grunt setup deploy. You can also host it on a custom domain - just provide custom_domain during setup task.


Presence is released under the MIT License.