
Release History and Planning

danbri opened this issue · 2 comments

Issue #1 tracks high-level plans for It gives entry points for release-level issues as well as broader goals that correspond to rough milestones over the next year. In practice, these goals are pretty hit-and-miss w.r.t. people actually doing the necessary work, but they are reported here as aspirations and for discussion.

See also release history and draft next release.

Release plans

Issues Overview

We label issues by topic, workflow status. The most concrete milestone is the next upcoming release, which since April 2019 are monthly, officially on (and named for) the 1st of the month, but in practice released on the first working day following. Work in progress edits can be found on

We try to avoid unlabelled issues. The most important labels and entry points are:

Historical Meeting agenda and notes

  • #587 2015-05-28
  • #588 2015-06-11
  • (July/August email only)
  • #775 2015-09-03
  • In Nov 2015 we agreed to stop our regular audio calls and operate in public email/github primarily.

Steering Group background

Elaborating on -

The day to day operations of, including decisions regarding the schema, are handled by a steering group, which includes representatives of the sponsor companies and a small number of individuals who have contributed substantially to and related standards. The steering group typically makes decisions by consensus. All members of the steering group have the same standing. The steering group is currently chaired by R.V.Guha, who does not represent his employer in this capacity. Discussions of the steering group are public, see!forum/schema-org-sg (very rarely used; more often CC:'d threads with the W3C Community Group public list).

Move of fibo extension proposals (PR #1300) in to pending - A candidate for 'in between releases' release.

This issue is being tagged as Stale due to inactivity.