
CogComp-nlp demo

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a visualization library designed around cogcomp's NLP datastructures.

Getting started

Requirements: NodeJS, NPM should be installed.

To install dependencies: npm install in the root directory to install required NodeJS modules.

To start the dev server: node server.js

Local comparison and display tool

comparison.js provides a tool for comparing several annotation versions of the same text.


  1. Create two or more folders, representing versions, of annotation JSON files with identical file names.

    Example: prediction/sample.json and gold/sample.json

  2. Start server with node comparison.js --port <PORT> <FOLDER#1> <FOLDER#2>. This command can be run from any working directory, with <FOLDER> relative to current working directory.

    Example: node comparison.js --port 3154 prediction gold

  3. Browse <SERVER ADDRESS>:<PORT>. All files named according to 1. will be shown under the first drop-down list. Multiple files and view types can be chosen to display vertically in order.

    Example: localhost:3154

This tool can also be used to display annotation files if only one version is specified.