Repository to store cogcomp's bib and cited bib files
Create a new bib file containing only your added bib entries: yourfile.bib
Make sure your bib file is following CCG format with the [conversion tool].(
Merge yourfile.bib into cited.bib
either by copy-paste or the "cat" command
Sub-rountine - Generate correct bib entry keys and sort them by year via JabRef
To generate cited-recent.bib: select all entries after year 2004 (2004 included) and make a copy
Run script to generate both long and compact bib files
Download the latest bib file version from the group server:
scp ccg_web.bib Remove all the header information
Check if the author names is correctly separated by "and"
manually correct errors or use the java code for assistance (see for details)
Sub-rountine - Generate correct bib entry keys and sort them by year via JabRef
Update the group server version with the fixed ccg_web.bib
Add back all the header information scp ccg_web.bib
Remove all the header information from ccg_web.bib to get ccg.bib
Run script to generate both long and compact bib files
Sub-rountine - Generate correct bib entry keys and sort them by year via JabRef
open the program: java -jar jabref.jar
open file: cited.bib / ccg.bib
sort all bib entries by year (descending order, i.e. the most recent appears first)
select-all and generate!: Ctrl-a then Ctrl-g
say yes, you want to overwrite the keys
open "Options" - "Preferences" from menu bar, and select "File"
in "Sort Order" section, make sure you select "Save in current table sort order"
Manually delete the header:
% This file was created with JabRef 2.10.
% Encoding: UTF-8