The official code repo for "Sub-Sentence Encoder: Contrastive Learning of Propositional Semantic Representations".
- aiainuiucas
- alexwilson1
- azsh1725Saint Petersburg
- Banguiskode
- bschleter
- cg123Los Angeles, CA
- cloudkevinThe Internet
- cometkim@daangn
- denisfitz57
- dsumpter
- fly51flyPRIS
- gpalrepo
- gvillegasMedellin, Colombia
- huyangqiu
- jcmc00
- jjzhaAalborg University
- josaumJAI
- LeeSuremanFudan Univeristy
- marquisthunderCreditX
- niship2@enlighton-inc
- oguuzhansahin
- praise2112
- PullerzCosine
- raonigabrielCuritiba - Paraná, Brazil
- reilxlx
- saeeddhqanOWASP
- santoryudeadman
- scalabledScalable Dynamics
- ScottishFold007Shanghai
- silver-ymz
- svats2kAmagi Media Labs
- thtran02
- u-brixton
- vilsonrodrigues
- VoVAllen@Tensorchord
- wyu97University of Notre Dame