A simple program that assigns a given list of people to a given schedule.
This was my final project for the Software Construction Course (CPSC 210) I took during my undergrad at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Although I had started building programs prior to taking this course, I learned how to truly design programs instead of just piecing code together after taking CPSC 210. The funtionalities of this program are definitely not as extensive as what I have built before, but this project was mostly a learning experience on how to design, test, and write cohesive code to create truly robust programs.
Furthermore, this program works as an add-on to my Sharing Schedule Generator program. Essentially, you can take the output of my Sharing Schedule Generator program and use it as the input for this program (convert it to a .txt file and use it as the schedule input file).
Note: To fully understand the features here, I would highly suggest reading the README.md file from my Sharing Schedule Generator program, since this program is essentially an add-on feature for my schedule generator program.
Takes in two input text files, a schedule file and a people file, then matches each person to a scheduled group (meaning that person is responsible for sharing the event to that group on that day).
Basic algorithm that assigns each person to a group based on which groups that person is in, and avoids assigning multiple groups to one person (in order to evenly distrubte the responsibilites).
Basic handling of exceptions, such as throwing errors when given a flawed filepath, an empty file, and a .txt file with incorrectly formatted contents.
Note: the algorithm isn't perfect since I spent most of the time learning and applying different Object-Oriented Design Principles (such as Single Responsibility and Liskov Substitution) instead of focusing on algorithm development.