
Report Kubernetes cluster and pod resource requests vs usage and generate static HTML

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kubernetes Resource Report

Travis CI Build Status

This version only supports node costs for AWS EC2 (all regions, On Demand, Linux)

Script to generate a HTML report of CPU/memory requests vs. usage (collected via Metrics API/Heapster) for one or more Kubernetes clusters.

Want to see how the report looks? Check out the sample HTML report!

What the script does:

  • Discover all clusters (either via ~/.kube/config, via in-cluster serviceAccount, or via custom Cluster Registry REST endpoint)
  • Collect all cluster nodes and their estimated costs (AWS only)
  • Collect all pods and use the application or app label as application ID
  • Get additional information for each app from the application registry (team_id and active field)
  • Group and aggregate resource usage and slack costs per cluster, team and application


The usage requires Pipenv (see below for alternative with Docker):

$ pipenv install && pipenv shell
$ mkdir output
$ python3 -m kube_resource_report output/ # uses clusters defined in ~/.kube/config
$ OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKENS=read-only=mytok python3 -m kube_resource_report --cluster-registry=https://cluster-registry.example.org output/ # discover clusters via registry
$ OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKENS=read-only=mytok python3 -m kube_resource_report --cluster-registry=https://cluster-registry.example.org output/ --application-registry=https://app-registry.example.org # get team information

The output will be HTML files plus multiple tab-separated files:

Main HTML overview page, links to all other HTML pages.
List of cluster summaries with number of nodes and overall costs.
List of potential savings (CPU/memory slack).
List of ingress host rules (informational).
List of all pods and their CPU/memory requests and usages.

Deploying to Minikube

This will deploy a single pod with kube-resource-report and nginx (to serve the static HTML):

$ minikube start
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/
$ pod=$(kubectl get pod -l application=kube-resource-report -o jsonpath='{.items[].metadata.name}')
$ kubectl port-forward $pod 8080:80

Now open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

Running as Docker container

$ kubectl proxy & # start proxy to your cluster (e.g. Minikube)
$ # run kube-resource-report and generate static HTML to ./output (this trick does not work with Docker for Mac!)
$ docker run -it --user=$(id -u) --net=host -v $(pwd)/output:/output hjacobs/kube-resource-report:0.5 /output

Application Registry

The optional application registry can provide information per application ID, it needs to have a REST API like:

$ curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <mytok>' https://app-registry.example.org/apps/<application-id>
"team_id": "<team-id>",
"active": true

See the application-registry.py script in the sample-report folder for an example implementation.