Install Java7 and maven3. You can use maven from the command line. Eclipse and IntelliJ have support for maven. Create a GitHub account. Fork this git project (so you have an exact copy of it in your github account afterwards) and clone it (making a local copy).
you have to update the pom.xml to the latest version. then run mvn package
to get a jar file
check for details how to start it.
We want to work with geographic data. Download and run:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m"
(you need to update your working copy, I fixed a bug at 10:30am)
mvn -U clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="de.komoot.hackathon.PfbToJsonRecordsExporter" -Dexec.args="/path/to/bremen-latest.osm.pbf /targetdir/"
Verification data can be found at The csv file contains all matches in the format: "Way-id",<ignore>,"Area-id-1,"Area-id-2",...
- Q: maven cannot download stratosphere packages (eu.stratospere ...)
- A: check your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml: It should not contain a line
. - Q: I want to know more about Geometry Functions and Datatypes
- A: Check out the Simple Feature Specification ( the popular postgresql extension PostGIS ( and the java implementation JTS (